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March 11, 2018 {SUNDAY}

Philippines Current Time: 1:00pm

Dear Diary,

I had a dream about Jimin lastnight.

I don't know why, I won't get into the details...

But the dream focused to Jungkook which is satisfying!

Okay, I just finished this fanfic and OMG the story is so amazing.

I cried for like 10x because of the story... And I think that is the reason why I had a dream about Jimin.

I encourage you to read "Love Game" and "Love Game 2 sequel" both are completed, by: Jiminbootylicious95 I think that is her name. (Sorry if I got it wrong).

But you would cry I promise you this story will make you cry... The feels!

So I am writing my diary early because we are going to my grandmother at the hospital, I am sad because she's sick and she is 84yrs old. Let's pray for her.

And I made sure to download BTS musics to my mom's phone because the hospital is in Cavite.

Angelo and I haven't talked yet since yesterday.

'Kay lang naman sakin... Okay let's move on.

I didn't really did anything awhile ago just ate breakfast and watch TV.

I hate tomorrow at school because I have to bring all the books like wtf?!?! I am gonna die of carrying alot of books, it's gonna be heavy! We don't even have lessons anymore because the test is done. Except for English we have to record our scores.

I think that's all I'ma read more fanfics that will totally make me cry.

See ya!

Current Time: 1:05pm


Sofia Andres/ *Kookie_Senpai*

Diary ng Pabebe Girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें