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April 3, 2018 {TUESDAY}

Philippines Current Time: 2:40pm

Dear Diary,

"Knock Knock knock knock on my door!"

"Cheer up!"

Twice is so adorable!!! Blackpink is so gorgeous!!! Red Velvet is so amazing!!! Got7 is cute!!! BUT BTS IS THE BEST AMONG THE REST! (Just my opinion guys, so don't get mad at me.)

Nothing happened it rained, I was wet, I have eyeliner on my eyes cus I love Jungkook's makeup eye and I copied it and it turned out fierce.!!!

I love my book!!! It's amerzang! (Hehe) So kuya is playing Nba2k and FortNite which he sucks at playing.

Awhile ago I just kept listening to Twice,etc. And love everything about them, I just forget their names. Hehe.

I keep reading this days. Very satisfied so yeah.

I think that's all, Love ya!




Mirror mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?

Tzuyu. Haha joke lang

Current Time: 2:45pm



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