
Was all I could say at the moment.

I proceed walking down the hallway and head downstairs since I don't want to be any near him.

Taehyung didn't even notice me leave because he's still busy on his phone and that's good since he will just annoy me like he always does.

Having no place to go, I went outside the house and get inside my car for a drive.

Maybe a long ride will do.

Just as I close the door to my vehicle I realize that I didn't bring my car keys with me, stupidly.

With a loud groan, I jump out of my car and drag my feet going back inside the mansion.

I head upstairs and went back to my room groaning all the way there.

I'm so lazy to get up and go out now.

~ ~ ~

Halfway through the movie I'm watching, I suddenly hear noises coming from downstairs.

Furrowing my brows, I wonder what's the noise all about.

But I'm too lazy to get up to see what's going on and just brush it off, continue watching the movie playing on the screen, boringly.

The movie doesn't interest me at all, I'm just too bored and I have nothing to do so watching movie is my best option at the moment.

I watched this movie for as many as I couldn't remember that I sometimes knew the dialogue before the casts does.


The movie just ended and I'm thinking of what to do since I'm running out of movies to watch and the boredom is suffocating.

I didn't even have time to change the movie and play another one when I suddenly heard the door to my room open without even knocking.

"Learn to knock."

I mutter grumpily.

I turn my head towards the door and saw an unexpected figure standing on my doorway that I recognize right away.


"Hola señorita."

He greet in a ridiculous accent trying to sound Spanish that I almost laugh, almost.

I clear my throat and fought my twitching mouth from smiling at how cute he was trying to talk in Spanish.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask kinda rudely, narrowing my eyes at him even a smile is threatening to break out on my face.

"Visiting my kitten."

He smile a dazzling, winsome all showing teeth grin.


I mean no.

I restrain myself from rolling my eyes at the nickname again and scoff.

"Go away, I'm watching a movie."

I told him coldly, taking my gaze off him and play another movie.

I'm just trying to ignore him actually.

"Boss baby? Seriously?"

I heard him talk, feeling the edge of my bed dip down and a presence next to me, informing me that he's sitting beside me.

I didn't mind at all as long as he'll shut up.

But I know he just won't.

I wouldn't expect.

My StepBrother    Taehyung x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now