Gently, he places me on the white covered bed sheet. His hand pulls the gray comforter over me. His fingers run through my hair and he tucks my hair behind my ear. 

"Get some sleep Hana. I'm going to get changed." 

I barely hear him when my heavy eyelids close. Darkness consumes me and I think I feel a pair of lips kiss my forehead. 


It doesn't take long for me to have a nightmare. 

This time there are two guns pointing in my direction. One from the first woman and the other from Olivia. The hatred in their eyes devouring my entire being. 

My dream self shut her eyes as she falls onto her knees. My sensitive ears listening to their fingers, slowly pulling back the trigger but something stops them. 

"Hana!" A familiar voice shouts from behind the two, distracting them. I see Genji knock them down with his hands. Swiftly kicking the guns away from their reach. 

"Genji?" I stutter out. The tears falling from my face as he embraces me with his arms. 

I bolt up from my sleep and Genji peers up from his computer screen. 

"Hana?" He calls out to me from across his bedroom. I push my hair back as I feel the sweat on my forehead. Genji walks over and sits on the edge of the bed, reaching for my hand and giving them a slight squeeze. "Did you have a nightmare again?" 

I nod my head turning my eyes up to look at him. I tilt my head slightly when I realize he's wearing glasses. 

"Since when do you wear glasses?" I ask him. Genji gives me a smirk.

"Do they make me look smarter?" He takes them off and twirls them. I lightly giggle. 

"Not really. But they do look nice on you." I whisper, my cheeks heat up. 

"Really? Maybe I'll wear them more around you." He smiles as he looks at the glasses. "I only wear them occasionally though." He squints his eyes. "When I'm tired the words seem to shrink. Anyway, you had a nightmare?"

I nod my head looking at him. "But you were there." 

Genji raises a brow. "I was the nightmare? Now that's rude cadet." He teases, poking my nose. 

"No, idiot. You saved me." I giggle out.

"Oh, even better." A childlike smile grows on his face as he places his glasses on the nightstand. 

"What are you doing up anyway?" I ask him. Genji stretches his arms and yawns. 

"I'm usually filing information on cases we've finished. But Jack said he'll do it for us...However, I don't trust him so." Genji shrugs. "I'll finish it tomorrow. I think you need me more right now." 

Genji moves me slightly over so he can lay down. He runs his fingers through his jet black hair and yawns again. His body relaxes as he's envelope by the bed and blanket. Gently Genji pulls me down to lay beside him. 

I feel my heart race being so close to him again. My ears turning red as my cheeks repeat the same effect.

"You're so cute Hana. Is this the first time you're sleeping with a guy?" Genji teases me. I purse my lips. 

"Sorry to burst your bubble but you're not the first. My friend Lucio and I had plenty of sleepovers before our lives went towards different paths." I say to him. I notice his eyebrow twitch from the name Lucio. 

Genji pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around me. 

"And who is this Lucio guy? You two didn't date, right?" 

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