She continued " what worse is Priya become scared of all these events and started to overprotect or strict whatever you call it with you.  Vijay too stopped coming in her way. Only god knows what happened. "

Rani's POV:

" so ,you believed him?" Khushi asked.

"well at first, I too didn't believe him. but after a year and so,  I started believing him. yes , he didn't lie at all. he too loved Yash uncle a lot. he still regrets how he was refused to enter your dad's funeral by Priya. Then as 2 more years passed on, we were living happily and were expecting our first child. But one day, everything changed. when Vijay was away from India for business trip, I went for checkup. doctor said that I had miscarriage and should abort the baby as soon as possible . with lot of pain, I agreed. but when Vijay came to see me, that very doctor said I aborted my baby willingly despite her warning. I was shocked. Vijay was angry and upset that I took revenge for Priya and left angrily from there. I don't who did that and why doctor said like that." I finished.

I then sighed " if only there are CCTVs like now a days, to record what happened, I would've proved myself not guilty to him."

Khushi " what did you just say"

" CCTV "

 Khushi stood up and said " yes, my camera. di, now only I  remembered that day, I placed my handycam without stopping the recording . I think it might've some saved video files in it. when we left that place in Delhi , di took all the things in papa's room and it had been placed in store room."

" then what are we waiting for, come on , we will search in storeroom and see whether we can find something in that." she said with little hope.

with that, we both ran into storeroom.

After searching for more than 3 hours and about to give up, we finally found  the box which had all of yash uncle's room items.

then in that box, Khushi took out her handycam and removed memory card from it. then we both ran towards her room, inserted it in card reader and then in her system.

thank god! that card was fine.

as she said , it had about 6 video files.


while i started to play the video , we heard car sound means di is back.

it started to play from 7.30 pm on that day. my di came and asked what we are watching. Rani di told her about the camera. then we three watched anxiously.

around 8 pm, we saw Vijay entering our dad's room and having conversation with him. they were talking well and seems like he convinced my dad and asked him to send my di to his room. happily he left .

that was enough proof to conclude what Vijay said was true. now my di started crying for not believing her best friend. i hugged her . Rani  di consoled her.

what we saw next shocked us? well to be precise it shocked me but both Rani di and Priya di are terrified.

a man in his late forties appeared through garden window and snatched my dad's  inhaler from his hands and started speaking. he had a sun tattoo in his right hand .

his words were " it's because of you, I lost my son Sid. what mistake did he do. he loved your daughter. I agree he tried to harass your daughter but that too for marrying her. but she never understood him. she slapped him infront of everyone in college and not able to bear humiliation, my son , my only son killed himself. "

my dad" Suman , you had a son. I never know you are married. give me my inhaler . we will speak" struggling to get his inhaler from that guy's raised hand. but he was too tall for papa.

Suman smirked "no. not yet. I am not gonna give you this. ofcourse I am married. I forged my sister's account and bought many properties for my Sid. but because of those pesky kids ,he is no more you know what . first you will die. I will get my revenge on all three of them. don't be happy Rani and Vijay are married. I will separate them. as for Vijay and Priya's friendship ,it will be over with your death for Vijay is the last one to meet you. I will make Priya regret her life and see to that she will not get any happiness .she has to stay single all her life . I will make her. Priya,Vijay and Rani  all will suffer.'

with that he pushed my dad back in his bed and left through the window. after struggling for some more minutes my dad died.i couldn't see it anymore. that rogue with sun tattoo in his hand. he killed my dad, spoiled all 3 lives just for his son.

who was this Suman and Sid?

suddenly I felt everything go black around me. " Khushi" I hear faint voices of My di and Rani di.

Then I fainted on the spot. 


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