Chapter Thirty-Two: Your Reality

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ID Imput: CLASSIFIED, Spencer (Spectre Frost)

Affiliation: N.W.G.

Location: Universe C

Status: Alive, Normal... Lonely...


"Give them Noah's memories..." I said with a quiver in my voice.

"S...Spencer..." Noah said. hurt saying that a lot more than I expected it to. I looked Noah straight in his eyes.

"You gave them the memories that they wanted...all I did was put them through hell. I know that if I'm granted a 2nd chance...I'll just mess it up again. In this reality...I didn't know how to love I'll... I'll leave them be..." I said as a tear came out of one of my eyes.

Odysseus looked at me with shock in her eyes. She looked away as tears began to form in her eyes.

I was surprised when Noah wrapped his arms around me. It seemed that he was crying as well.

"Thank you...thank you so much Spencer..." Noah said.

"You deserve them Noah..." I said.

The pain in my chest was unbelievable at that moment. Noah let go of me and watched hopeful as Odysseus walked over to the girls.

She placed her hand on top of Natuski's, Sayori's, Yuri's, and Monika's head.

Natsuki's eyes opened real wide and she began to break down in tears.

"Noah!" She yelled as she ran towards Noah.

Noah picked Natsuki up in the air and looked at her with a smile. He then set her down and leaned her back. He layed a kiss on her lips.

Yuri hugged Jacob again, but Jacob pulled away from Yuri. He looked her in the eyes.

"I...I need to do this.." He said softly. He pulled Yuri closer to him and layed a kiss on her lips.

I watched as Felipe, Drew, and Khalil were all in a circle engaging in conversation.

Monika and Sayori were hugging each other in joy as I stood myself.

" did it came home...where...where I belong...or where I thought I belonged..." I mumbled to myself.

"Natsuki...I love you so much...I've missed you so much!" I heard Noah say as he held Natsuki close to him.

"I...I love you too Noah! Please never leave us again... please...please..." Natsuki said.

I looked down at my outfit and saw that I was a complete mess. Soaked with sweat, blood, tears, and diesel fuel.

"Why...why can't they're ever be any beautiful my sky?" I asked myself.

"What's the matter Frost?" Drew asked as he walked next to me.

"Nothing...Drew..." I said.

"Eh be happy, we won! You're probably just confused." Drew said as he slapped my shoulder.

"Yeah..." I said.

Drew you are completely're an idiot. Can't you tell that I'm lonely?


ID Imput: Valentini, Spencer

Affiliation: Retired NWG Member

Location: Universe C

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