Chapter Seventeen: Fallen Hero

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ID Imput: CLASSIFIED, Spencer (Spectre Frost)

Affiliation: N.W.G.

Location: Universe C

Status: MIA, Unstable


After spending the rest of the ride there talking about the third eye and who Rem really is, I've convinced Cosgrove to not put a bullet in me.

"So I was possessed by a succubus?" Cosgrove asked.

"Yeah dude, then you kidnapped four...important girls that mattered to me..." I said.

"I guess I should...thank you we're gonna get Rem now?" He asked.

"Yeah, once we finish in the science bay, well breach and clear the prisoner center. Rem should be in there."

"Alright...thank you sir..."

"Don't call me sir, Cosgrove, you're my best friend, and I don't want to say goodbye to you again."

It seemed that tears began to develop in Cosgrove's eyes.

"Thank you Spencer...I don't know what you've been through to get here but...I really appreciate what you did for me."

"Cosgrove it''s alright."

"I...I shot you..." He said.


"When you fell asleep and you were put in that medically induced coma for a week...I was the man who pulled that trigger."

I looked at Cosgrove and I smiled at him.

"I guess I should thank you too then." I said.

"Thank me? I...I shot you..."

"You wouldn't understand Cosgrove...but I forgive you."

"Why? Why do you forgive me? I was reckless enough to get myself possessed and then I almost killed you."

"One thing that I've realized that life is too short to hold grudges against people. Some people drop friends like they're nothing, but family, or a brotherhood...that's forever."

Noah and Jacob seemed to be taken by my words but they still remained silent.

"Hey boys, one of you wanna get on that minigun?" Felipe said from the cockpit.

"On it." Vinnie said.

Vince opened the right side door and prepared the minigun. I opened the left side door and looked down. We were flying over a hill and there were NWG agents on half-tracks making their way to the blackwater base.

I saw some that were even on horseback.

Rockets flew out of the side of our helicopters and hit gaurd towers at the nearby base.

"Alright boys, I'm dropping you off here in about 15 seconds." Felipe said.

Noah cocked his AUG and Jacob pumped his Spaz 12. Felipe hovered over top of a gaurd tower.

"Here's your stop boys!" Felipe yelled.

Suddenly someone threw a grenade in the helicopter. Vinnie picked it up and looked at it.

"Oh shit!" He yelled.

He tossed me the grenade.

"I-I don't want it!" I yelled back.

I tossed the grenade back to Vinnie. He threw it back at me and I caught it. I chucked it at the ground and it actually hit a few Blackwater soldiers.

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