Chapter Twenty-Two: Rainclouds

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ID Imput: CLASSIFIED, Spencer (Spectre Frost)

Affiliation: N.W.G.

Location: Doki Doki Literature Club

Status: Alive, Recovering, Traumatized


"She's...standing out there." I said.

"W-What is she doing?"

"She's crying."

"Spencer... what's happening?" She asked terrified.

"I'm about to figure out, stay here."

I walked over to the nearby exit and approached Sayori. She was covering her face with her sleeves as I walked towards her.

"Sayori." I said in a soft voice.

She dropped her arms from her face but kept her head down facing the ground. Tears we falling from her eyes.

I heard the hissing of the rain putting out the fire that was still in the building.

"Just...just do it Monika...please kill me." She said. "Your voices torment win...just end it already. Kill me...I hate you so...much." She mumbled.

Voices? Monika put voices in Sayori's head...that's probably what drove her to insanity.

I walked towards Sayori and wrapped my arms around her, as if I was squeezing those bad thoughts out.

She rested her head on my shoulder. I think she was confused on what was going on.

"Sayori, I've done it before...I'll do it again...I can fix you." I said softly.

I backed away from Sayori and she scanned me up and down with her ocean blue eyes.

"W-Who...are you?" She asked.

" me Spencer."

"Are...are you an angel?"

"Far from it... unfortunately..."

"Well...can you tell me what's going on?" She asked.

"It's hard to explain, but the way that you're feeling is the work of an evil force. I need you to come with me."



"T...Take me away from here..."

"It's a promise." I grabbed Sayori's hand and I led her back to Yuri.

"Yuri!" I yelled in the school. Yuri was staring at the ground but I broke her train of thought when I called her name.

"Y-Yeah?" She called out.

"We need to get out if here!" I yelled. The building began to collapse behind Yuri and she ran towards me and Sayori.

We ran out if the school while the rain fell on top of all of us. We ran to the front of the school to see Jacob still standing gaurd.

"Jacob? Where the hell is Noah?!" I asked him.

"I haven't seen him... he's still in there."

Jacob looked behind me and noticed that Yuri was with me. He ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Jacob...bad time..." I mumbled to myself.

"W-Who are you?" Yuri asked.

Jacob let go of her and looked at her confused.

"Yuri, it's me Jacob." He said.

"Jacob, she doesn't remember you, Odysseus will restore their memories when we get back." I said.

"Restore...our memories?" Yuri asked.

I looked over at Sayori and noticed that her clothes were drenched in water.

"Sayori, you might want to get that Blazer off." I said.

"O-Oh...sorry...I'm kind of a clumsy person."

She tried to reach her hands in front of her, but the water made her Blazer stick to her skin.

"Here, I'll do it." I said.

I began to unbutton Sayori's Blazer from the bottom to the top. I tried to unbutton the ones around her chest but the Blazer was on too tight.

I finally managed to unbutton the last button and I sighed in relief.

"Jeez, that was the tighter than trying to park a Dodge at time square."

Sayori began to giggle a little. I looked down at her face and she flashed me an innocent smile.

 I looked down at her face and she flashed me an innocent smile

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"You're funny." She said while still giggling. That made my chest feel warm and my heart began to beat faster.

Was it seeing Sayori again? Her bright smile? Or just hearing someone laugh after all this time.

"Th-Thank you Sayori..." I said.

"Noah...he's taking way too long." Jacob said.

"Yeah...I'm going in there."

"Spencer are you crazy? What if it collapses?!" He said.

"He'd...he'd do the same for me."

I began to walk away but something grabbed my arm. I turned around and saw that the person, was Sayori.

She pulled me towards her and kissed me on the lips. She held me there for a slight second and then let go.

"Come...come back safe Mr. Spencer...and thank you." She said.

"You're welcome Sayori...I'll be back before you know it."

Jeez I just had a total Deja Vu moment right there. Didn't something really bad happen last time I said that.

I looked over at Jacob and Yuri. They were standing next to each other.

"And no making out while I'm gone." I said.

Yuri's face turned bright red and she stared at the ground. Jacob on the other hand, gave me thumbs up as I walked back in the building.

"I'm...not completely apposed to the idea though..." I heard Yuri say in the distance.

I walked through the doors and pulled out my M1911. I heard some rustling up on the second floor.

"Was...was that Noah?"


Author's Notes:

Yeah so I don't know what to write from her without changing POVs so sorry for the short chapter.

We hope the next one will be a great one though!

Hopefully, you guys seem to like the story so far.

I know I do! Also check out my new story! You can find it on my account hwest36

Strong start on it, I look forward to reading it.

That's all I have for now! Bon Voyage!

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