Chapter 19 - A Visit Home

Start from the beginning

"And Maggie, I think I know what's going on with Dean. Think about it. It's a typical Dean thing to do. I think he cares about you, has feelings for you. But  that's scaring him to death. So he's pulling back. Just give him time and don't push. Just be the wonderful Maggie that you are and he will come around. I know it. I don't know how I know it but I know it."

I waited for her to think things through. "Okay," she said, finally. "Okay. Let's tell them. You're right. If feelings are forming, then we have to be straight with them. We know their worst secrets. We even know things about each of them that the other doesn't know. So we know what we are dealing with. They deserve the same." She said this quietly and sadly, but she said it. It had to be done.

"It'll be Okay, Maggie, it will," I promised. "I don't think it will change anything."

Maggie just nodded. "Let's go in, she said."


Dad was the only one home. He had friends over. We pulled him away and went to the kitchen to talk. We explained in fuller detail exactly what was going on, told him we were happy and safe, and that we loved him and Mom. We told him we would be back often and not to worry. I was surprised how well he actually seemed to take it. When we got up to leave he said, "You two have always had to be different. Why should anything change now?" He smiled a small little smile and hugged us both.

"Oh Dad," I said. "We are going to take my car and go back to the apartment. We want to bring one computer here to use so we don't always have to go to the city. Is that okay?"

"Sure," he said. "Set it up in the Florida room."

We went outside and to my car, which was still parked by the curb. The drive into the city takes about 45 minutes. I pushed it to the limit and made it in 37. At the apartment I got on my computer, paid some bills that were due, and read any email I thought was important. Friends were worried about us. That would mostly have to wait, but I did shoot off two responses and asked them to spread the word we were safe, but would be incommunicado for a while.

"Maggie, we are going to have to make a decision soon, about whether to give up the apartment here or not."

She was packing up her computer to take to our parents house and I downloaded last weeks episode. We were stunned! Dean was getting more and more overtaken by that blade. He took it to Cas's headquarters, and  Tessa killed herself while he was holding it. At the end he tried to kill Gadreel, who was really going to be on their side. We don't know if he actually killed him or not.

We wrote down a synopsis of the episode, and put it on a flash drive. Just for fun I made a DVD with some pics of both of them, and a couple of my favorite episodes. I had no idea if our computers were compatible, but it was worth a try.

As a parting thought before leaving I picked up a marker and wrote on my arm…. "Beware blade...lock it up!"

Back at our parents we dropped off the computer and some other things we had grabbed and hightailed it back to the garage, giving Dad a parting goodbye and "Tell Mom we love her."

We had been gone almost 4 hours. When we got back to the Impala, Sam was sitting in the front seat, waiting. That thrilled me to death, and I gave him a great big smile. As we got out of the car the door to the main bunker and Dean peaked out. He saw we were back and he went ahead and came in.

"See," I whispered to Maggie. "Just give it time."

As Dean approached us he said, "So, do you remember the episode?"

Maggie and I looked at each other. "No," I said sadly. I remember watching one, but not what was in it. But we wrote it on this paper." However, as expected, when I opened the paper, it was blank. I said, "Let's try these in the computer, holding out the DVD and the flash drive."

Inside the bunker we tried the flash drive first. The computers seemed compatible. However, all that was on it was a test document I had put on. Nothing about the episode at all. We tried the DVD. It worked too. The older episodes I put on were showing in the window, as well as the folders with the pics. But again, whatever I had put on about the new episode was gone. I quickly grabbed the DVD back out of the drive. "We'll save this for some other time," I said.

I looked at my arm. The writing was there, sort of. It said, "Beware….....lock it up." We all looked at each other.

"What does that mean?," asked Dean.

"I don't know," I said. "I don’t know if something else was in this empty space. But it does mean we might be able to use some sort of code to get information here."

Sam was still looking at my arm. "I think it's referring to the first blade, Dean. I think it's telling us to lock it away and not use it."

Dean's face turned dark. 'No," he said, and walked away from us.

I sighed. "Well that went well."

We were all worried and we all needed sleep. Sam walked us to our room and kissed me goodnight. "We'll sort this out tomorrow," He said. "Or at least try."

Maggie and I went into the room we had picked out to share and we both crashed in our clothes. But what sleep I got was fitful and restless. For some reason I couldn't quite grasp from the edge of my consciousness, I was terrified for Dean, and I kept waking up in a cold sweat. Intermingled with that fear was another fear, one that I knew very well where it was coming from. We had to tell the boys, and the thought of having to do that was driving me out of my mind. I suspected Maggie was feeling the same. Tomorrow, I thought. Tomorrow we just have to get it over with, and let the chips fall where they may.

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