Chapter 24: To Forgive And Forget

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Sasuke didn't know what to say

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Sasuke didn't know what to say. He just started crying, causing his eyes to hurt more. He didn't care. All he wanted to do was hug his brother and not let go. He knew the truth now thanks to Nariko, and he wanted to be with Itachi and make sure he doesn't ever leave. He might just have a panic attack if Itachi dies on him. Itachi heard Sasuke whimper and sniff, and he slightly panicked."Sasuke don't cry. It's alright, everything's alright, just don't cry. You're eyes will take longer to heal if you cry." He said, and Sasuke sniffed again before mumbling an okay."What happened to my eyes?" Sasuke asked, and Itachi explained what happened.
Back tracking a bit, Obito and Nariko went to Orochimaru's hideout so they could do the transplant as well. Orochimaru took a random kid's corpse and was going to use it as a vessel as soon as the Sharingan eyes were transplanted into it. He had plenty thanks to Danzō, and if something happened to the ones he was using, he could just replace them. He didn't need all of them, so he preserved the rest of the Sharingans in case the other Uchiha's needed them. He promised Nariko that he would protect them for her since she didn't trust anyone else. Obito and Kabuto reluctantly worked together to do the transplant and make sure that Orochimaru adjusts to it once he transfers into the corpse. Orochimaru is now in his vessel and waiting for his eyes to heal. He should be fully healed the same time Itachi and Sasuke are.
Around that same time, Tsunade made Obito and Itachi Konoha citizens again, but allowed them to continue working under Nagato. She also gave them permission to reconstruct the Uchiha district and to live there if they wanted. Obito agreed, and they waited for Itachi and Sasuke to wake up to see if they wanted to as well. Tenzō and Nariko agreed to help with the reconstruction since they're wood users.
Back to Sasuke and Itachi, Itachi finished explaining the transplant and how the Eternal Mangekyō won't make them go blind after so much use. He also told Sasuke about Obito. Sasuke was shocked to find out there was another living Uchiha. He was also glad that once he gets the Mangekyō Sharingan, he won't go blind. He still needs to figure out how to actually get it since Itachi was apparently lying to him. He then flinched when he realized that it was a lie and he didn't know how Naruto was doing. When he was about to ask, someone entered the room. The two boys turned their heads towards the noise, causing the person to become startled."Oh, you're awake." Tsunade said. She looked at Sasuke and frowned when she saw trails of blood going from his eyes to the bottom of his chin."Sasuke, were you crying?" She asked as she walked up to him. He became slightly flustered and nodded in embarrassment. She sighed as she wet a towel that was next to a bowl filled with water on a rolling tray."Don't cry, you'll damage your eyes and will make it take longer to heal. You made yourself cry blood because of it." She scolded as she wiped his face clean. He blushed more and quietly whined, embarrassed that this was happening to him. He was not a child, and this woman wasn't his mother. However, he couldn't stop it because he was restrained and she kept his head from moving by holding his chin. After she was done, she placed the towel in the bowl and used mystical palm technique on his eyes to put it back to the healing stage it was supposed to be on."Okay. Your eyes should be healed by tomorrow. By the way, do the two of you want to reconstruct the Uchiha district and live their? Obito already agreed, and Nariko along with another ninja named Tenzō are willing to help." She told them, and they nodded."Um, Lady Tsunade. Is the team that came to get me alright?" Sasuke asked."Yes, they have all mostly healed." She replied."....... And what about my team?" He asked, and the silence made him a bit nervous. He realized what he did was wrong. He betrayed his sensei, and hurt his teammates. He was worried about Sakura, but more about Naruto because of how much damage he inflicted on him."They're fine. Kakashi visits you and Naruto once in a while, and I'm training Sakura so she isn't always able to visit. Naruto recovered and is doing missions with the other teams until Jiraiya returns to train him." Tsunade said. Sasuke slowly sighed in relief as he fell back onto the bed."That's good." He whispered."You, however, are on probation and not allowed to leave the village. You will be watched by one of the senseis, Itachi, Obito, or an ANBU member." She told him."Wait. I thought since Danzō was killed, there would be no more ANBU." Itachi said in confusion."There is no more Root ANBU. We have two ninjas in charge of the Black Ops." Tsunade replied."Who?" Itachi and Sasuke asked, and heard someone else walk into the room."Me and Tenzō." Nariko said."I'm the head of the organization, and Tenzō is second-in-command. When I'm absent, he's in charge. Everyone in the Root were placed in the Black Ops, and we're training them properly. Some of them are taking a while to adjust since they grew up under Danzō's teachings." She said while leaning against the wall next to the door to the room. The brothers nodded while they slowly processed this."Oh, Sasuke. If you still want to train under Orochimaru, you can. You just have to wait a while after the little stunt you pulled. We're thinking once Jiraiya takes Naruto, I can escort you to him and you can train for three years like Naruto." Nariko told him."Why can't Jiraiya and Naruto escort me?" Sasuke asked."One, because they aren't going to train around there. Two, because to ensure the treaty between the Leaf and the Sound, Orochimaru wants me to do a mission for him once every few years. When we go see him, he'll have a mission ready for me." She replied, and he nodded in understanding.
~the next day~
Sasuke and Itachi's eyes have finally healed, and when Nariko came to pick them up she sweat dropped at what she saw (pic on right above)."Are you guys ready?" She asked, and Itachi nodded and shifted. He sighed when he couldn't get up because Sasuke wouldn't let go, he just hugged him tighter."Sasuke, we need to go." Itachi said while rubbing his brother's back."Carry me." Sasuke mumbled into his shirt. Itachi sighed again and put Sasuke on his back. Nariko, kind of amused by this, decided to do something that might be more entertaining. She whipped out a kunai and pointed it where Itachi's heart is, startling the brothers."Sasuke, be a real boy and walk with your own two feet." She ordered. Fear visible in his expression and eyes, he scrambled off Itachi's back but quickly grasped his hand. Nariko snickered before putting the kunai away and leading them out the hospital."Oh, right! Sasuke, activate your Sharingan and try making it change into Mangekyō." Nariko told Sasuke. He activated his Sharingan, then shuffled his feet. He obviously didn't know how to activate Mangekyō, so Itachi told him how while also activating his as an example. When Itachi activated his Mangekyō, Sasuke's Sharingan did as well, surprising both of them."But, how-?" "When you saw my substitution explode, you thought you killed me. That gave you the Mangekyō, but you couldn't activate it until now for whatever reason." Nariko explained while interrupting Sasuke. The boy paused before nodding, and when they met up with Obito, Nariko flickered away, saying that she's going to get Tenzō. A few minutes later, the three Uchihas arrived at the entrance of the Uchiha district. Nariko and Tenzō flickered next to them suddenly, and Itachi greeted him since he was the only other one who knew him. As they walked through the abandoned district, Nariko took out her iPod and it automatically played a song.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived to the compound. The place was a reck- some buildings are falling apart, and there was dried blood in some parts of the ground and buildings. The song playing ended, and Nariko cracked her knuckles as it started another song.

"Well? Let's get started!" Nariko said before running to the closest building, the males following her in their own pace.

A/N you can imagine them reconstructing the place, I don't feel like writing it. I just want to move on to the next chapter. I'm gonna add in another OC, she might seem a bit Mary Sue to some of you, but I don't care.

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