Ch. 51 - Now or Never

Start from the beginning

I’m so young and stupid right now and there’s no doubt in my heart that I’m going to mess up. I’m not ready to be a father. Not just yet.

“Aren’t you excited?” Katie beamed, grabbing onto my hand.

“Um… Yeah,” I tried to show some enthusiasm, but it wasn’t working quite as nicely as I’d hoped.

The next thing I know, I was at the hospital, watching Katie’s doctor put that weird jelly thing on her pregnant belly in order to do the ultrasound.

When the doctor started rubbing the machine across Katie’s belly, the monitor switched and showed the image of a fetus baby on the screen. The doctor suddenly smiled and looked at us, watching closely for our reactions.

“That’s your baby right there,” she pointed at the screen. I felt Katie’s grip on me tighten and I heard her let out a small gasp.

“Oh my god,” she whispered to herself, her gaze locked on the monitor.

“Congratulations on your growing baby girl! She’s doing great so far and now all we need to do is wait the remaining 4 months,” the doctor informed us, a little too cheerily.

“Thank you,” Katie said happily, her grip on me easing slowly as she fell into a daze at the sight of our baby.

I didn’t say a word the entire appointment. I merely nodded, gave quick smiles and looked at my baby girl through the ultrasound monitor.

When we left, Katie couldn’t stop talking about how excited she was for our future. Once again, all I did was nod and agree. At one point, I stopped listening and my thoughts drifted elsewhere. I was out of it today and I wasn’t quite sure why. I just let the day pass by without giving things a second thought.

It was only when Katie kissed me on the cheek that I actually snapped out of it. We had just gotten back to the hotel and Katie’s been clinging on to me all day.

“I know it’s sudden,” she whispered, leaning close, “And I know I’ve accidentally told you this before, but…” She nervously bit her lip before looking deeply into my eyes. “I love you, Justin.”

I did a double take, my eyes widening as I stared back down at her. She had her arms wrapped around me, her pregnant belly touching my stomach and I felt my body go numb.

She… what?

She loves me?

No, no, no.

“You don’t have to say it back,” she added softly, though the glow in her eyes told me otherwise. I know she was hoping I’d say I love her too. I know she was waiting for me to protest, and say that I’ll say it back because I mean it.

But I… don’t.

I don’t love her.

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