"They found out I don't have a dress for the party tonight," I explain. Carter sits down beside me and grabs a handful of popcorn.

"I'm guessing I should stay so you can get the brother approval overwith," Carter places the bowl in his lap.

The next hour consists of Lucy and Lynn pulling clothes out of my closet, making me try them on, and then Carter, Thomas and Scott (who came in), rejecting them.

"You guys!" Lynn whines, "She is single and hot and she needs to wear something that really says it."

"Absolutely not," Scott presses. Jason walks in.

"What's all the commotion about?" he asks and looks at me wearing one of the dresses Lucy and Lynn picked out. He narrows his eyes at the dress, "Ara, what are you wearing?"

"Fine! We'll look again," Lucy and Lynn drag me into the closet.

"Girl, genetics did you and your brothers well," Lynn sighs.

"Don't you girls get all obssessd with my brothers," I pout, and they shake their heads.

"We're not, we have our dream guys but your brothers are not at all horrible to look at, that's all," Lucy says. I sigh.

"What's next. You know they're not going to approve a lot of things," I remind them. Lucy throws a dress from the back of my closet at me. It looks promising. They exit and I throw it on and step out. Lucy and Lynn exclaims that it's perfect and surprisingly, my brothers give it the okay. I sigh in relief and go back to my closet to change into jeans and a long sleeve shirt for the game.

Lucy and Lynn hang their clothes in my closet so that they won't wrinkle. We decide to come back here after the game and change, Jason agrees to drive us back.

I'm eating the last of the popcorn when my phone buzzes. I read the text from Ryder.

Just call me Captain.

I shout excitedly and show Carter the text. He laughs and tells me to calm down and that we all got the message. We go to the game and sit in the stands. We cheer loudly as the boys come on to the field, led by Ryder.

The game goes perfectly and we win by a landslide. We run over and congratulate our guys and then go home to get ready for the party.

Lucy and Lynn beautify themselves and then me. I don't recognize myself in the mirror and can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing. Ryder drives us to Wills house, except Jason who stays behind, and the party is already in full swing.

Pete smiles, remembering us and lets us in. I climb out of the car and follow Lucy and Lynn inside. They quickly find Will and Clinton and we the party is alive. People are everywhere, all carrying little red solo cups. Thomas, Ryder and Scott split up from us to go find their new friends, not after warning me to be careful.

Carter whispers in my ear, "Don't accept any drink from anyone except Scott, Ryder, Thomas or me. We don't want you having an allergic reaction and having to admit you to the hospital."

I nod my head, "Got it, Carter."

A really cute girl across the room makes eye contact with Carter and he smiles at her.

"Go talk to her,"I insist. Carter shakes his head profusely.

"I'm not going to leave you alone," he states, but continues to stare at the brown haired beauty.

"GO Carter, I'll be fine. I'm going to go find the bathroom anyway," I insist. Carter chuckles.

"You and your small bladder," he makes his way over to the girl and her eyes light up. I roll my eyes and find the bathroom only to find it occupied. I sigh and go upstairs. Across from the stairs I see a balcony with a breathtaking view. I step out onto it and look out at the city, transfixed.

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