Chapter 150 - Miss Not Mrs

Start from the beginning


I quickly close my eyes when the door to the spare bedroom opens. Milo and Jameson are sleeping right next to me and Ryder and Iris would never wake up this early, espically on Saturday so I know it's one of my brothers who's come here to try to 'motivate me to get out of this slump' as they would say.

"Tess. Get up." Leonardo nudges me. "Come on, up. There's someone on the phone." He adds.

"Tell them i'm asleep." I mumble.

"Well you're not so get up." He says, making me sigh.

"Lie to them then." I shrug.

"I don't lie." He says, making me roll my eyes before I sit up and snatch the phone off him.

"You're a fucking lawyer. Lying is your job." I hiss, making him chuckle lightly.

"Watch your tone otherwise I will carve that tongue out and feed it to the guard dog." He says as he points at me. I ignore him and sink down in bed before I place the phone next to my ear.

"Tessa Black." I mumble into the phone.

"Good Morning, It's Louie." Nick's friend says, making me roll my eyes. Nick was my lawyer, he helped me with the divorce. We didn't talk much but he had his little minion besides me who would tell me whatever Nick would tell him to say.

"Louie. Hi." I sigh lightly.

"I didn't wake you up did I?" He asks. Cut to chit-chat, Louie. "Only, I tried the number you gave me but there was no answer so Nick gave me this number." He explains.

"No not at all." I say. I look back at Leonardo who's listening to every word i'm saying. "I'm not 14 anymore. A little bit of privacy would be nice." I say.

"No chance. I'm on Tessa duty today." He says as he takes a seat in the rocking chair by the bed.

"I'm aware that you and the children are not in Detroit anymore, Mrs Mathers." He says, making me talk over him.

"Miss not Mrs. It's back Miss Black again." I say, making him clear his throat.

"Right, Miss Black." He corrects himself. "Mr Mathers has got in touch with his lawyer, Miss Black." He says.

"Well his manager is also his lawyer. They talk everyday." I shrug.

"Yes but....It's regarding the kids being away from home for more than a week." He states.

"They're with me." I state.

"Yes but...They're kids. We want them to be safe-" He starts, making me talk over him.

"My kids are perfectly safe with me!" I say, getting irrtated by the second. "I would never put them in any kind of harm!" I raise my voice slightly.

"Yes but your unstable. It's unsafe for the kids to be alone with you in your condition and-" Louis carries on but gets cut off by Nicklaus.

"Oh for fuck sakes!" I hear Nick snap before the phone gets passed around. "Hello? Tessa?" Nick says. Wow, first time he's spoken in to me in what feels like fucking years.

"Nick." I say, making Leonardo glance at me and back at the window.

"Go back to Detroit." He orders, making me sit up.

"No." I scouff.

Who does he think he is talking to me like that?

"Go home, Tessa. Go back to Detroit and take the fucking kids with you." He says, making me shake my head lightly.

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