Chapter Eight

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(Sorry for not writing!)

"I can't believe it's our last therapy session... you're going to get to go back home soon!" Brendon cheered. I sighed and sat in bed.

"But Brendon, you met my mother, she was the worst! The devil incarnate! I don't wanna go back home! Plus, if I do I'll just forget everything I've learned here!" Brendon sat beside me, trying to comfort me.

"If I could I would adopt you, but I can't. Your legal guardian isn't me, it's your mother." He rubbed my arm.

"I don't want to go... can I have one more breakdown and maybe get some more help?" I suggested.

"Sorry, but that won't work. You're perfectly fine." He chuckled. I felt tears start to form in my eyes, and my instinct was to hug Brendon.

"Oh, don't have to squeeze so tight." He laughed. I cried softly in his chest, and he heard me. 

"Fae, don't cry..." he broke the hug and started to wipe my tears away for me. 

"Come on, lay down on my lap and we can talk this through." He softly ordered. I rested my head on his thighs.

"Now, how does all of this make you feel?" He played with my hair. I let out a shaky breath and rubbed my eyes.

"I feel saddened. I have to leave my best friend tomorrow and my home. I much rather live here than with my mother or my dad." I confessed.

"Is there anything we can do to prevent this? Anything?" I was so desperate to stay with him. He was honestly the only person that I think I could ever be open with. I loved him, not in that way, but as in I could pour everything of me into him and trust him one hundred percent. 

"I'm so sorry, Faelecia, but we've already contacted your mother. We're just waiting on a response." Brendon sighed and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. 

"You were a very special patient though. You are always and forever will be my favorite patient ever. I don't care if Frank Sinatra walked through those doors as a ghost with depression, you'd still be number one." He wrapped me in a warming hug again and this time I heard him cry. 

"Brendon?" I broke the hug and looked to see he had a few tears rolling down his cheeks. 

"You must also be flustered about this..." I wiped the tears away this time. It was weird. I've never seen Brendon cry in our entire one year of knowing each other. This must really have him choked up.

"How are we gonna know when that witch replied?" I questioned. He pulled out a pager from his doctor's coat and shook it in his hands. 

"The receptionist is going to page me when she answers." Brendon put the pager away and paced around the room.

"Let's go get some food to get our minds off of this. Ice cream maybe? I'll ask the chefs if they have any." He spoke really quickly, stumbling over his words a lot. We both walked out of my room and walked down the hallway together. I connected my hand to his. I remember when I first walked these halls, I held his hand for safety, and now I hold it for comfort. 

"Linda, do you guys have ice cream back there?" Brendon smiled at the working lady.

"Why of course we do! Is today a special occasion?" Special occasion? The complete opposite. The epitome of hell, if I am correcting her.

"Not really. Faelecia is being discharged tomorrow." He told her. She knit her eyebrows and walked to the freezer, coming back with cookies and cream ice cream. 

"And that's a bad thing?" She laughed.

"It's just sad is all," Brendon sighed, "thank you for the ice cream!" 

"It's my pleasure! Enjoy the rest of your evening!" We both waved goodbye to her and walked back to my room.

"Time to dig in?" I asked, taking the lid off. Brendon nodded, but before his spoon even came into contact with the ice cream, he got paged. My eyes lit up and I watched as Brendon answered it cautiously. 

"Hello?" His eyebrows were furrowed throughout the entire conversation.

"Are you kidding me? This has never happened before! Well then we better contact someone about this. I mean, she'll have to stay here until we figure out a solution, but I'll keep you up to date on that, alright? Okay, goodbye!" Brendon hung up, with his lips parted, I knew something was wrong.

"What happened?" I anticipated.

"Your parents have set you up for adoption..."

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now