Chapter Two

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"Honey, your disorder is affecting all of us. It's for the best." She explained.

"No! You're wrong! You're dragging me out of my own house!" I fought.

"Well I guess you're right."


"So, tell me about your family." Brendon bit at the cap of his pen. I just twiddled my thumbs and looked down.

"I... I don't feel like it..." I mumbled. Right now I was shy. I was always shy around cute guys.

"Cmon, you can tell me anything. I won't tell anyone." He stroked my arm once and went back to his clipboard.

"Well, my dad was usually never home. And my mom... my mom!" I took a deep breath in, trying not to get frustrated. Too late.

"My mom was the worst!" I yelled. Brendon slightly jumped, placing his clipboard down.

"Faelecia..." he tried walking up to me, but I quickly avoided him.

"My mother dragged me to this insane asylum, because she hated me! She was too lazy to take care of me, so she put me here! Away from my life, the friends that I had learned to make! Everything is gone now..." I fell into tears. My knees hit the floor as my hands went to my face. I sobbed. Sobbed as hard as I could.

"Faelecia, calm down..." Brendon picked me up and brought me to the bed. I cried on his shirt as he rubbed my back and stroked my hair.

"No one cares for me." I said quietly.

"That's not true! If no one cared for you, you'd be in the streets." He told me.

"But now I'm in an insane asylum." I whispered.

"No! You're in a psychiatric ward. Faelecia... lots of people have mental illnesses. It's just that yours is more severe. It's nothing you can control. You are not insane! You're not normal, but that's okay! Because when you're not normal, you're you, which is better! You're you!" He continued to soothe me.

"But... but I'm here! Doesn't that say enough?" I let out a shaky breath.

"No! You're here because your disorder is hard to control, that's it!" He shushed me softly. I closed my eyes and just breathed.

"Thank you... you've calmed me, somehow." I giggled softly. He chuckled and let go of the hug.

"Are you hungry? Maybe that's why you had your outburst." He asked.

"I- maybe. I haven't eaten in a while." I stated, now becoming shy again.

"Well then, put on your shoes! Let's go to the cafeteria!" He smiled at me. I got up and slid on my runners.

"Here!" He gave me his hand. I looked at it and then back at him. I placed my smaller hand in his. Then, he opened the door and we started to walk.

"Why am I your only patient?" I asked, just having curiosity get to me.

"Well, there's a lot of staff here, enough for one member to have one patient. Luckily, I was assigned with you!" He smiled. I felt my heart skip a beat and my cheeks go red.

"But anyway, lets talk about you! What's your favourite game?" It was silent in the hallway. The silence was deafening.

"Umm, I liked playing Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom on my GameCube..." I trailed off.

"That's cool! I heard of that game before." He smiled.

"Oh, we're here! You don't have any allergies, do you?" He asked. I shook my head yes, as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Gluten," I stated.

"Alright, follow me! I'll see what we've got!" I was confused. Was I even allowed to go in the back? Then I looked around the cafeteria to see a whole bunch of old, scary people. Never mind!

"Let me see! We have gluten free crackers! Or we can make something!" Brendon cheered, still holding my hand.

"I'm fine with the crackers for now. I'm not really that hungry anyway." I said quietly.

"No! I've read about depression before. You missy are going to have to eat every meal, you are not going to starve yourself!" He walked out of the kitchen with the box of crackers in hand.

"Whoa! Look at the little girl holding the doctors hand!" One of the old guys mocked. I sighed and let go of Brendon's hand, walking a little faster.

"Hey! Were you going?" He asked, running up to me so he could catch up.

"I'm going to my room, what else?" I snapped.

"Attitude." He commented. He unlocked the door to my room and we both got in.

"What he said affected me! Everything does! I just, I'm out of control..." I confessed.

"You're not out of control. You're uncomfortable. That guys old, don't worry. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. It must be scary being in a psychiatric ward at your age. He just doesn't understand, alright? Now let's eat these crackers!" He handed me the box and sat in my bed with me.

Maybe today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy//Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now