Chapter Five

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Today, Brendon was out for a doctor's appointment. Yesterday, he told me that I was gonna have to deal with a new doctor, and I could be any happier.

No one understands me like Brendon does. He knows how to deal with me, how to act when I'm having a meltdown, and how to cheer me up.

As I checked the time, to see that my new doctor was late, I heard a knock at the door. He walked in, and he seemed to be around forty years old. I rolled my eyes. He did the exact same.

"So you're Faelecia, right?" He pronounced it 'Fa-lee-see-a'.

"Uh, it's pronounced 'Fa-lee-sha'." I corrected.

"And so you have to take anti depressants in the morning?" He read in his clip board.

"Well, I do but Brendon and I were trying to-" he handed me two pills and a bottle of water.

"Here. Take them." He ordered. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"But Dr-" I tried explaining something to him.

"Just take them!" He said sternly. I quickly shoved them in my mouth and downed it with water, before slamming my water bottle on the night table.

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood..." he sighed.

"I'm bipolar! Jeez! Did you even read the clipboard?" I asked, on the verge on punching him in the face. He rolled his eyes and left the room.

That's stupid! He's supposed to be with me all day!

He walked back in a few minutes afterwards, with smoke in his breath.

"Ugh," I coughed. He took a mint and returned to scoping my room. He opened my drawers and and closet.

"You can't do that!" I exclaimed.

"Why not? I have to make sure you don't have anything dangerous in here." He stated.

"I'm in a psychiatric ward and I have Doctor Urie. Considering he's with me all day, he'd know. But this is my stuff you're looking through! You can not do that!" I shouted.

"Hey! Lower your voice!" He yelled.

"F**king hypocrite..." I mumbled. He cocked an eyebrow and walked over to my bed where I was sitting.

"Wow! You think you have excuses for your behaviour since you have bipolar disorder? That can't be your excuse your whole life. Grow up." He snorted.

"All I asked was that you not open my drawers and look around. I have girl things in there." I stated.

"Like what?" He scoffed. I rolled my eyes and stood up, quickly grabbing my feminine product and waving it around in the air.

"A pad! A pad for when I'm bleeding down there and I have painful cramps that feel like death! Would you like to see it some more? I have countless in here because I have to deal with it for almost the rest of my life!" I retorted, slamming the drawer shut.

"Gross! Put that away!" He ordered. I sighed and placed it on my dresser. It was almost lunch time, which meant Brendon should be back soon. Thank! God!

"Cmon, let's just get lunch over with." We walked out of my room and headed to the cafeteria. I was quick to get used to the snotty remarks the old men gave me. They were either just crazy or could only feel good about themselves by making "little" girls feel bad. It was useless, and I wanted to kill these men.

"Here, eat this." He handed me a plate full of spaghetti.

"Sorry, I can't eat this." I handed it back.

The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy//Brendon UrieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora