Slide Into These Dm's - Yang Jeongin Imagine

Start from the beginning

"LMAOOOO," was one of the last comments added by

"Ya'll are annoying me," Yang.I.N, said last. 

The conversation between all the boys had ended with Yang.I.N's last comment. After having read all of it, you clicked on Yang.I.N's username to see his profile. His profile pic was a simple selfie of him showing a smirk towards the camera, and you weren't going to lie. He seemed pretty cute. Looking at his biography, you saw that his name was Yang Jeongin, and that he attended the School of Performing Arts. But what really got you was the last line of his profile which read, "How can I know so many digits of pi and not the 7 digits of your phone number?" 

The cringe you felt after reading his profile seemed to be as ever lasting as pi itself. Nonetheless, you were very much curious about the boy; he seemed pretty cute. Without thinking, you quickly clicked on the button to request to follow him, and then you threw your phone back onto the bed. Returning to your math textbook, you continued to pore into the vector equations of U + V and so on.

After 30 minutes of not being able to comprehend a single equation, you grabbed your phone again only to see that you had a notification from Instagram. 

Yang.I.N has accepted your follow request

Yang.I.N has requested to follow you

Quickly opening up your phone and entering the app, you accepted his follow request and began to look through his pictures, because hey, who doesn't do that when you follow someone new on Instagram? You began to discover things about him through his pictures, such as, he attended SOPA near you, he loved to sing, and apparently was a straight A student, according the picture of his report card that he had posted to brag about himself. 

He's pretty smart, you thought. You were still scrounging account when an idea struck you. If he was smart... Then maybe he could help you. 

Scrolling back up to the top of his account, you clicked on the three dots that were laid in the right hand corner of the screen. After pressing on the "Send Message" button, you proceeded to type out your message. 

"Hey, I have a question." Was the first thing you sent to him. Almost seconds later, he replied back, which surprised you given how late it was. 

"Do I know you?" Was his first response. Wow, that was the first thing he asked you? What a guy. He didn't seem to be as smooth as his bio gave away. Shaking you head, your fingers began to flit across the screen as the next message was typed out. 

"No, you don't. But are you good at math?" 


"Specifically, are you good at precalculus?"

"Yes, I have an A+ in the class." 

"Okay good. You wanna help me with my math homework? 🤗" Of course, your question was very much random and out of the blue, but you were desperate at his point. He seemed smart, and you needed all the help that you could get. 

"... Is that really all you want from me?" He asked. 

"Yes, that's all I want from you." 

"I don't even know your name." 

"It's Y/N. Now, how does one find the magnitude of vector?" 

"Well, first of all the equation is the square root of A1 squared plus A2 squared. You just have to input the numbers. And hello, Y/N. My name is Jeongin." 

"Yes, I know that your name is Jeongin. Btw, you look like a cute baby chick in your school uniform." 

"You know my name? What are you, a stalker?" Jeongin asked, clearly appearing off putted. 

"No, I'm not a stalker. You put your name in your profile. Are you sure you're as smart as you seem 🤔?" You asked, throwing in an emoji for extra emphasis. 

"Yes, I am smart. Do you want my help or not?" 

"YES, I want your help," You replied back. 

"Okay then, what's your next problem?" 

And so, your tutoring session with your new acquaintance Yang Jeongin began. The entire conversation consisted of you asking Jeongin a question, him sending a picture of the solved equation, and you feeling stupid because he made it seem so easy. Your tutoring session ended when Jeongin accidentally fell asleep on you, and never replied back. But, he had answered all of your questions and you were now content with your knowledge about vectors. Turning off your phone and packing your backpack for school, you turned off your lights and headed to bed, feeling quite happy with how the night turned out. 

The next morning, you woke up to a single Instagram notification from Jeongin. "We're going to be best friends now :))) " 

Your new friendship with Jeongin began to grow. Eventually, the two of you began to move away from the topic of precalculus, and began to ask questions about one another. The two of you began to talk about music that you both liked, what your favorite colors were, if you were a fangirl/fanboy of any specific group. Still, you would occasionally slide back into Jeongin's dms to send a quick message asking how to solve a certain math equation. When Jeongin found out that you attended school near him, he immediately demanded to meet up with you on a Friday after school. He would very much like to see the girl that was struggling so much in math. 

And when you walked into the cafe the next Friday after school, Jeongin almost dropped his drink and almost fell out of his chair. He did not anticipate you to be so pretty in real life, and was most definitely not prepared to meet you at all. 

But when you approached Jeongin who was wearing his bright, yellow school uniform exclaiming, "Baby chick!" Jeongin couldn't help but groan. He most definitely wanted to look cooler than a baby chick for you. When you sat down, Jeongin tried to be smooth by attempting to pull a pick up line on you, he messed up the entire punch line. You laughed and responded with a pick up line of your own, which had Jeongin blushing and turning red. 

"You know, you sounded really smooth and cool in your Instagram bio. But you're actually the cutest thing in the entire world, like a baby chick" You said giggling at the way that Jeongin blushed. 

"But I'm not a baby chick though," He said shyly, scratching the back of his head.

When Jeongin went home that day, he quickly changed his Instagram profile. And when you looked on Instagram later on, you couldn't help but laugh out loud. Jeongin had changed his profile to, "Please stop calling me a baby chick." 


Honestly, this was better at the beginning. And then the end got rough. BUT oh well what can ya do. I hope you kind of enjoyed reading this. I just felt bad for not updating for two weeks (I just got so busy with school). But I hope that you can forgive me for not updating, and for this pretty sad writing lolol

Also, the other day, I hit 500 followers on my Tumblr account and I also reached 10k reads on my imagines :)) Sooo to commemorate, I did dance cover of Young Wings. If you want, you can check it out here 

But thank you for reading, I swear I will do better next time. Follow my Tumblr, I post more on there! @ STK0t9

-Maddy 💕

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