"Lucy that's so cute," I croon, "Alright, let's get back to them."

A few hours later, Ryder texts us and says he's on his way because it's getting late. We say our goodbyes and wait for Ryder outside.

"We did it Ara," Carter says happily, "we made actual, real friends!"

I nod my head, "we did."

"Maybe leaving Maryland wasn't such a bad thing." Carter says and I can't help but, in that moment, completely and utterly agree.


The next morning I wake up and everything feels good. School goes by quickly and Will announces that he's having a party at his house Friday night after the first football game of the season. All day, him and Lucy were so cute together holding hands and laughing and just being a couple. It was a nice sight.

At lunch, my brothers and I were enjoying the school food, baked ziti and triple chocolate chip cookies, when the Bimbos approached yet again. I rolled my eyes and took a large spoonful of ziti.

"Ara! We were wondering if you wanted to try out for the cheerleading squad. We know you'd fit right in!" Ashley asks. I start choking on my ziti and Scott pats my back. I swallow and look at them incredulously.

"How did you ever get that idea?" I ask, confused. Ashley smiles brightly.

"Well! You are already one of the most popular girls in school and you're gorgeous so you'll fit right along in with us," Ashley supplies her 'logic'. I'm popular? I squish down the odd feeling.

"Um, no thanks, I don't... cheer?" I say and turn back to my food.

"Aw come on, just come to like one practice and you'll see how much fun it is!" Bimbo Four practically whines. I look around and see the whole cafeteria watching our exchange. 

"Um, sorry, I -" I try to find a way to let them down gently when my idiot brothers decide to have fun with this.

"Aww come on, Ara, don't you think it would be so much fun to cheer?" Ryder asks, mimicing Bimbo Four's tone.

"No, Ryder," I grit through my teeth at him. I take a deep breath and try to be pleasant, "I don't have time to cheer, what with the recent move and all, but er, um, thanks?"

Ashley seems content with this, "Maybe later in the season then."

She  twirls on her heel and walks away before I can say anything else. As Ashley leaves, the cafeteria goes back to normal.

"Why'd you do that?" I glare at Ryder.

"Unsuccessful Ry, that will be three stamps, two lincolns and one poker chip," Scott announces smugly. Ryder sighs and hands over the odd pieces.

"Was this a part of your annoy Ara game?" I ask. Thomas nods his head.

"We wanted to see if we could get you to scream at Ashley," he explains. I groan in frustration. Oh brothers.

When I get home, I realize I'm looking forward to visiting David. I remember I promised him I'd sing for him, so I grab my guitar on the way out. We have the same arrangement as last time, picking up Ryder after he showers at school and eating the sandwiches Jason had made earlier in the car on the way to the hospital.

We sign in and make our ways to the children's floor. I look eyes with Carter and he nods encouragingly and I do the same for him, and we part ways. I knock on David's room door.

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