Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Alright, should we take the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8?" he asked.

I put up eight fingers up. That train took us the gatherer down.

"Eight?! OH! EIGHT! ITS SO SYMMETRICAL!" screamed Kid. I heard everyone groan. Noel walked until he found the right train. He set me down on a chair.

We sat for what seemed forever. I started getting annoyed that I couldn't see anything. I started fidgeting around.

"You okay?" Asked Noel. I nodded my head and let out an angry breath.

"Hey! Give me back my purse!" screamed a lady. The train came to a sudden stop sending us flying to the ground. Noel grabbed me before I fell.

"All of you! Put your hands up and give us all your money!" screamed some man.

"Don't you mean give us all your money and put your hands up? Cause how would they give you their money with their hands up?" asked Noel.

"Ay! You, you think your so smart don't you?" yelled the man really close.

"Not really, but perhaps smarter than you." he chuckled. I felt the man closer. I whipped out my dagger, cutting him in the process.

"Now stay on the ground." demanded Noel. I stood up and walked on the man making him scream. I felt around.

"Don't just stand there! Get the other guys!" Noel told the others. I heard shuffling and some lady screamed. I found it odd that they scream when they turn into weapons and not when I stabbed a guy.

"YOU ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" screamed Kid and then I heard a thud. I stood there and pulled my hood up. After a couple minutes the train began. I could hear everyone backing away from us.

"Okay, this is our stop." Said Noel gabbing my hand and dragging me off. I walked around aimlessly.

"Can we go..? It's creepy here and that man is given me an odd look." Liz whined.

I groaned as I smacked into someone. I stood up and dusted myself off.

"Watch were.... Were you're going you freak!" yelled some guy. I grabbed my dagger but was pulled away.

"Maybe we should call it a day. We are all dirty and desperate need for a shower." Noel suggested. I sighed

We wandered around for a couple more hours looking for a hotel to stay at. It took us two hours since I couldn't see anything. 

Finally I was able to see a bit of color and shape. I began walking and flopped onto a bed. Laughter erupted from behind me. I growled and just laid there.

"Come on guys... She's like handicapped right now Woah!" said Maka as I held my dagger up to her.

"Don't tell her she's handicapped..." Noel sighed somewhere. I put the dagger down and sat on the floor.

"Okay. Who calls first showers?" asked Noel.

"Me!" screamed Liz.

"The mighty Black Star!" Black Star yelled putting his foot on me. I pulled it making him fall.

"I think we all know who's going last." giggled Tsubaki. I stared at the floor hard.

Why couldn't my vision clear up faster? That bloody witch will pay for this! How much help am I if I can't even see where we're going?

"Take quick showers. Liz you're staying with us." Kid said.

"Wait, what are the pairings?" asked Soul.

"In this room it's me, Liz, Noel, Patty, and Shadow. In the other room it's you, Black Star, Tsubaki, and Maka." Kid explained.

"Ooh! Can we make coffee?" asked Patty. I heard plastic crumbling.

"Do you know what people could do in those coffee makers? Besides... Tea is what's in that bag." Noel said standing next to me.

"Oh... Poop..." she said disappointedly but then began laughing at who knows what.

"How about Maka and Tsubaki go next? " Soul suggested.

"Okay, I'm going to lay down afterwards, my back hurts." Maka cracked her back. I remembered slamming into the brick wall and the witch.

That damn witch...

"Girls take forever to take showers." Complained Soul as Black Star kicked open the door.

"You don't know how much we need to do in there, and you know you could have just opened the door right?" asked Maka. I heard shuffling and the door closing.

I laid on the ground with my legs on Noels lap. Suddenly I felt the pain again. I shot up and curled into a ball.

"Shadow?" Asked Tsubaki.

I gritted my teeth trying to hold in a scream. I let out a groan and then bit my lip tightly causing it to bleed.

"Oh my god!" exclaimed Liz walking in. I fell on the floor and kept the scream trying to come out as the pain ceased.

"What is going on?" asked Noel. I laid there motionless.

What is happening to me? Why do I get random pain? I swear I will kill that witch when I see her...

"Is she dead?" Liz whimpered. I got up and wobbled over to a wall.

"Do you want some water?" Noel asked me. I nodded. I wiped the blood that was on my lip.

"It's open." warned Noel carefully placing the bottle in my hand. I lifted it up to my lips and took a sip.

"Well... I'm going to go shower. I hope you feel better Shadow." said Tsubaki.

I stood there annoyed. Someone grabbed the water bottle from my hand and made me sit on the sofa. I closed my eyes and just waited until everyone finished with their showers.

"Hey, it's your turn." Noel nudged me. I opened my eyes and could see everything clearly. I blinked a couple of times and looked around. I stood up. Noel started to lead me to the bathroom but I stopped him.

"Can she see?" asked Black Star waving his hand in my face. I slapped it and glared at him.

"Yep, she can see." Said Soul. I took the bag into the bathroom.

I turned on the water and undressed. I slipped in and let the water run on my body, then I began to scrub myself with the soap. After I finished shampooing and getting the conditioner out of my hair I hopped out and changed into shorts and a black t-shirt with Alesana on it, and knee high socks.

"Hey!" screamed Black Star jumping in front of me. I stared at him.

"Are your eyes really that color?" he asked almost poking my eye. I nodded and pushed him aside.

"Let's all get some rest guys. We have a lot to do tomorrow." said Kid. Everyone said their good nights and headed to their rooms. I sat on the sofa.

"You don't want the bed?" Kid asked. I shook my head. He nodded and headed to the unoccupied bed.

Remember Me as Vivid as I Was, Please Don't Forget Me  (Soul Eater Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now