Level 8: Progress Saved

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Rich stared at Jake's hand in worry as he kissed it over and over.

"No." Kiss. "No." Kiss. "No." Kiss. "No." Kiss.

Christine immediately rummaged through her pockets and took out the wrapping cloth, stealing Jake's hand and wrapping it, keeping his blood enclosed.

Jake just stood against the wall in shock and worry, looking at the floor as he felt tears wind up in his eyes. Not again.

"I'm sorry guys." Jake muttered, the tears now traveling down his face.

Rich ran to Jake again and hugged him tightly, kissing Jake's cheeks.

"What's gonna happen to him again?" Rich asked in panic, not wanting him to die.

"Well, in the game, your health gets lower and lower until you... die..." Michael murmured.

Jake felt himself cry a bit more, and Rich just hugged him tighter, a saddened frown on his face. Christine, Jeremy, and Michael helplessly watched, all of them with tears. They already lost Brooke, please not Jake now.

Then, he broke- Jake sobbed into his hands, body trembling as Rich tearfully tried to support him. And from the others' point of view, it looked so heartbreaking- Rich, a huge crimson red gash on his back, disheveled hair and all, and with Jake, left jean ripped as some deep marks were evidently shown, with his hand in the cloth that was now consuming the red.

They all decided to wait for Rich and Jake to calm down, so they sat down. Christine bandaged a small mark she got from by mistakenly scratching herself from her shuriken, and Jeremy tried to see if Michael's sight improved. He was getting used to figuring things out, but it was still a disadvantage.

Soon enough, they all calmed down a bit (better than before at least) and were out on their way. They all crawled through the small tunnel- the farther they went, the more the darkness consumed. As the darkness was the only thing visible, each person glowed of their primary colors, of course- Jeremy blue, Michael red, Rich pink, Jake orange, and Christine green. It was basically a mixed rainbow in there. Rich held Jake's hand as they went about, making a peach at their contacted skin. Michael and Jeremy did the same, getting a purple-magenta, the color in between.

"Guys, Level 9 is the last level." Michael informed.

Everyone felt somewhat of a smile creep up on their faces. They were almost done, just a bit longer and then they would be out.

"Thank god. I can go home and take shower." Christine joked, getting some chuckles.

"I wanna go home and actually eat, thank you very much." Rich said, getting some chuckles as well.

"I'm missing all of my Netflix shows, I need to catch up." Jake chuckled.

"I need to find my glasses and actually enjoy those things." Michael grinned.

"I don't know about any of you guys, but I'm just gonna chill in my room and play Tetris." Jeremy snickered.

They all laughed a bit as they all stated what they wished they could do. And there was one thing that they all wished, even if no one said it- Brooke would still be alive, and was just on the other side of the screen.

They didn't realize they were at the end of the tunnel until Jeremy and Michael stumbled out, falling on some hard flooring. Christine, Jake, and Rich got out and helped them up, both clearly blushing messes.

And then the lights turned on.

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