Level 4: Progress Saved

149 16 12

Jeremy, Jake, and Rich were in a safe and comoderate distance from the crowd of zombies. Rich was in Jake's lap, Jeremy was beside both of them, trying to untangle his knotty chocolate hair, while they were all on the cold and barren floor.

Rich sighed and looked at Jake, wincing as he moved his neck.

"Jake, I promised Brooke I would do something before the end of the day.."

Jake looked at Rich, Jeremy starting to listen to the sudden conversation.

"Jake... I-I... I really like you."

Jake snorted. "Yeah, we're best friends dummy."

Rich slapped his forehead, Jeremy stiffling a laugh and witnessing the two boys trying to be on the same page.

"N-No, Jake! I love you! Like, more than a friend."

Jake turned pink and looked at Rich, who also had blush painting his face. He then leaned in close to the smaller boy on his lap and pressed his lips onto Rich's, Rich giving it back. They remained at that position for a while before pulling away, Jake beginning to suddenly laugh.

"W-What, what is it?" Rich asked, nervous as Jake laughed harder, making Jeremy crack up.

"Dude, I've liked you like that for more than a year now!"

Rich smiled lovingly.

"Yes homo?"

"Yes homo?"

Jeremy whooped and clapped as the two lovers kissed again. The three would've never guessed that they would confess in a video game where they could die at any time, as zombies were trying to break through the tied-together doors.

*** *** *** ***

Michael and Christine were both sitting beside the doors, bored out of their lives. Michael took  off his sweater from around his back earlier and tied it to hold the doors closed. He want sure if that was a good or bad decision- for one, if did let them not worry about getting hurt my those ragged and savage beasts as they could risk getting shoved from behind those metal doors, but for another thing, he was really self conscious. After his 'incident', he got scared to take off his sweatshirt more than he used to, because he was scared that the group would make fun of how he looked.

Christine was against Michael's shoulder, crying quietly. She still wasn't over Brooke.

Mikey wrapped an arm around the poor and devastated girl, and she let him.

It was platonic, after all.

"I-I'm sorry for being such a baby." She blubbered.

Michael shush her so she could cry more. Why would she think such a thing?

"It's not your fault."

"Y-Yes it is! S-She went to g-get my shuriken a-and got herself k-killed, all because o-of me!"

Michael shifted his position as he hugged her closer, letting her sob and wimper into his chest.

"I-I Just loved her so m-much! You don't know how it f-feels!"

"Maybe I do."

Christine looked up at Michael, who was looking at the wall ahead of him.

"When you and Jeremy were dating, I felt left out. I felt betrayed, crushed. I love Jeremy, still do. That's why I was never really around when you two were dating. But when Jeremy case out  of the closet, I had my chance. But not, I'm not so sure."

Christine scoffed sadly. "Jeremy totally likes you. Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

Now it was Michael's turn to scoff.

"Keep dreaming, beautiful."

"Platonically, right?"


Both stayed there, crushed and there for eachother.

*** *** *** ***

Jeremy decide to stay watch as Rich and Jake slept, both in eachother's embraces. He wanted them to be peaceful after that, so he volunteered to do so. The air was filled with soft breathing and some light snores from Rich.

Jeremy balanced his lapis sword in one of his hands. He jolted up when he heard a familiar laugh. He stood up carefully, going towards the doors, seeing some zombies around, but froze when he saw some blue pixelated body.


Jeremy cowardly ran back to where he sat before, accidentally dropping his sword on the ground in process, making it shatter and clank. That was enough to wake Rich and Jake up.

"What happened..?" Rich asked, yawning. Jake immediately fell back asleep, digging his face into Rich's neck, the unaffected side.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep." Jeremy said, picking up his weapons and settling it onto his lap.

"You sure..?"


Rich shrugged, cuddling up to the boy asleep, who was holding him. He let slumber take over, and began to snore again.

Jeremy smiled a bit, but the SQUIP's appearance haunted him.

What was he gonna do?

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