Level 7: Main Office

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Jeremy woke up to some murmured talking. He looked over and saw Jake and Rich talking, and Christine was checking the supplies.

"Thanks for keeping it PG you two." Jeremy said, making the two boys look at him.

"Oh, hey Jeremy." Jake said.

"Hey to you too." Jeremy replied, seeing Christine leaned against a wall, waving at him. He guessed that once Jake woke up she decided to take initiative. She was a good person.

Jeremy tried to stand up, but felt something fall from his shoulder to his chest. He then noticed what it was.
Michael was still sleeping was curled up on Jeremy, hugging his chest. His head was on his arms, his legs entwined with Jeremy's.

Jeremy couldn't stop looking at him, he was so cute.

He rubbed the boy's back, which made the boy relax a bit, and let out a little smile as he slept. Jeremy then played with his hair, which was extremely messy, but hey, they were in the middle of an apocalypse, so everyone's hair was wild.

Jeremy recoiled once Michael shifted, hopefully not waking him up.

"You could have just told me you were awake."

Jeremy sighed once Michael was looking strait at him.

"Yeah, but I didn't wanna disturb you."

Michele scoffed playfully. "You day that while we're all breathing down eachother's necks in a closet."

Jeremy chuckled a bit, it was true. But they were safe this way.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you too pal."

Jeremy and Michael separated from eachother and took attention to Jake, Rich, and Christine, who were looking at them with smirks plastered on their faces.

"Now what?" Rich asked, trying to change the subject once he saw Jeremy crack his knuckles as he made kissy face at him.

"We have to get to the principal's office and get the weapon to defeat level 9." Michael said, stretching his arms as he tried not to hit anyone.

"Okay, and where's that dipshit." Rich asked.

"It's at the end of this building." Jeremy said, snapping his fingers for his lapis sword to appear unharmed in his hands.

"Let's go then." Christine stood up, ahead of plan.

All of the others slowly got up as well- Rich making sure Jake was okay since he bandaged up his wounded leg.

They all headed out of the small room, carefully, with weapons in their clasped palms. The halls became bloodier and dirtier, scattered with human remains and trash.

"This is disgusting." Christine muttered sickenly.

"What do you expect Kristy?" Mikey asked.

All of them walked towards the soon to be reached room, attacking any undeads thats were coming their way. They were almost at the end of the school, when Michael said:

"Hey, over there!"

And there, there and right there, was the door to the principals office.

"Everyone go in!" Jeremy rushed.

They all sped towards the room, Jake limping the way there as Rich had an arm around his torso for support.

They ran into the room and Rich and Jeremy tried to keep it shut. Michael and Christine quickly got the chair and put it under the door handle as the zombies banged against the wooden door.

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