Level 5: Bloody Halls of Hell

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Christine woke up in somebody's embrace, on the cold and hard floor. She didn't know when she fell asleep last night, but she was surprised she did by the unpatterned walls of self-dragging zombies. Aside from that, she heard soft snores, which made her look up. She saw Michael asleep, leaned against the wall, his head against Christine's shoulder. He was under Christine, which meant she was on his lap and wrapped by Michael's arms.

They were lucky nothing bad happend to them.

Christine wiggled slightly out of Michael's arms and looked out of the tiny crack of the tied doors. She indeed saw the undead wobbling around in the blazing sun. She fell over in surprise to the sound.

Congratulations on beating Level 4! Progress will save, level 5 begins.

Christine looked to her side as Michael kept snoring softly, peacefully sleeping. He looked a lot different without his glasses.

She stood up and walked over to the messed-up hallway. It was more than ruined. She knew that at the end of the hall, Jeremy, Rich, and Jake were there, hopefully safe.

They needed to act up now, since the level already pretty much stared.

She made her way towards the sleeping boy and shook him slightly, not forcefully. He blinked awake and yawned, stretching his limbs and saw Christine, giving a hello.

"Mikey, we need to go now." Christine said.

Michael nodded in agreement and stood up, snapping his fingers for his axe as he approached the dirty and scratched hallway with Christine by his side.

*** *** *** ***

Congratulations on beating Level 4! Progress will save, level 5 begins.

Jeremy, being awake the whole time and alert, snapped for his lapis sword, hoping that it didn't completely break. Luckily, it appeared in his palms, all in shape.

"Jeremy, we should get going."

Jeremy snapped towards Rich and Jake's direction as Rich stayed in Jake's embrace, looking at him. Jake was still asleep, hugging Rich protectively.

"Alright, let's go." Jeremy responded.

Rich kissed Jake's parted lips until he woke up, smiling. The three boys stood up, Rich making his bat poof to reality as they walked down the hall.

*** *** *** ***

The gang met at the end of the hallway, hugging eachother. Christine and Michael noticed Jake and Rich holding hands, and whooped at them, making them turn red. Michael and Jeremy looked at eachother awkwardly. They were all interupted by doors busting open.

The undead started walking getting behind their tail, getting faster than they usually were.

"Alright guys, be careful here!" Michael warned, tightening his grip on his shining red axe. Jake cracked his knuckles and nodded.

They all stayed tight and kept knocking the zombies left and right. Michael and as getting better at telling things now, using his instincts, but still wasn't enough.

One thing was for sure- the zombies improved.

They attacked quicker and were harder to kill, and indeed faster. It would take more blows to take them out.

Consequently, they got scratches and marks, luckily no bites, mostly to Jake who still didn't have a weapon. Soon, they were down to only a couple of zombies by the end of the long day of fighting.

"What now?!" Rich asked, swinging his bat at the side of a zombie's head.

"Run! To a closet or something!" Jeremy responded, grabbing Michael's hand to lead him.

They all ran as fast as they could towards a janitor's closet, tumbling inside. Jeremy slashed the necks of the remaining and closing in zombies, decapitating them in the process as he shut the door and slid against it.

Congratulations, you have completed level 5! Progress will save.

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