Level 6: The Gym Field

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Everyone snapped back to reality at Michael's screams. They saw zombies pounding on the door, almost breaking it down. Everyone got their weapons and rushed towards the mob, swinging at them. Well, all except for Jeremy and Michael- he held him aback so he wouldn't get hurt or swing wrongly.

Level 6- The Gym Field

Once they cleared most of the way, Jeremy and Michael caught up.

"Where now?!" Jake asked, shoving Rich as he punched the face of an approaching zombie with his bandaged knuckles.

"We gotta go across the football field to the other side of the school!" Michael answered, blindly swinging.

"Follow me!" Jeremy yelled.

Jeremy grabbed ahold of Michael's hand and made everyone follow him towards the other doors. They went through the doors and ran across the field.

Well, tried to.

He herd of zombies were faster and stronger, and they were gaining on them.

"ATTAAAAACK!" Rich yelled.

Everyone started swinging towards the crowd surrounding them, Michael still hopefully not killing anyone on his side.

They all whacked, swung, sliced, punched, hit. They did all they could to attack.


Everyone snapped their attention towards Christine, who got harmed by a zombie's sharp tallons.

"FRICK YOU!" She squealed, chopping its head off as it tumbled to the ground.

Once they were clearer than before, they all rushed towards the other field, and almost made it, but Jake was pulled aback.

"Guys. GUYS!" Jake screamed, trying to pull away from the undead.

"JAKEY!" Rich yelled, pushing past everyone to get to his love.

Jake's arm was pulled back as he was being scratched and pulled away, and one of them was about to bite him.


Rich was in time as he whacked the zombie's face away from his boyfriend. He pulled Jake towards him and he limped away towards the group.

"Jakey, are you okay?" Rich asked, kissing his wounds.

His legs were badly scratched and bloody while his knuckles were severely bleeding from punching everything.

"GUYS, FORCEFIELD!" Rich demanded.

Everyone circled around Rich and Jake as they protected them from any danger possible. Rich set Jake on the floor and kissed his cheeks repeatedly.

"Baby, Dont worry, I'm right here." He said.

Rich took off Jake's football sweater and wrapped it around Jake's right leg, since that one was the one that was bleeding the most. Jake winced at the contact.

"Now, I'm gonna need you to lay down." Rich demanded.

The wounded boy did as instructed, and felt himself being lifted up. He noticed that he was in Rich's arms.

"Richie, you don't have to." Jake said sheepishly.

"Yes I do. I'm your boyfriend, and I must protect you. Also, you're not hard to carry."

Rich kissed his beloved one more time before signaling the others to keep moving.

"Where to?" The small boy asked.

"It's about to sunset, so we gotta go into a room. Michael, which one?" Jeremy asked.

"Ummm... I think it's the... copy room!" Michae exclaimed, swinging his axe at what seemed as a green dead blob.

"Here we go!" Christine yelped.

Everyone ran to the other side of the field before they got into any more trouble. Jeremy busted the the other school building doors  open as everyone rushed inside, not a second to spare. Jeremy then led them to a small room and they all squished inside again, and they closed the door. Christine tied the door down with one of the cloths they had to spare.

Congratulations on beating Level 6!Progress will save.

"Who takes the shift?" Christine asked, wrapping her wound in another cloth.

"I'll take it, with... you?" Rich replied uncertainly.

Christine nodded and got her shurikens in hand. She said she was gonna get some food ready for all of them.

Jeremy sat Michael on his lap and examined him. He waved 3 fingers at him.

"Can you see how much?" Jeremy asked.

"Uh.. 5?"

Jeremy groaned in annoyance. Stupid game, stupid zombies. Michael cuddled closer to Jeremy.

"I'm sorry I'm so pathetic now." The boy muttered.

"Hey, stop now. It's okay." Jeremy said softly, looking at the boy before him.

He always found Michael cute. It seemed as whatever he did, it was astonishingm. He loved how small he was- not as small as Rich or Christine, or Brooke, but not as tall as Jeremy or Jake either. But Jeremy loved that the boy was smaller, he would trash around on his stomach if they had a sleepover and would be quite the rambunctious one, in fact. But nonetheless, Michael was the one Jeremy had his eyes on.

Once Christine handed everyone out their food, they ate it in peace and then got ready for the night. Jeremy got into a comfortable position with Michael atop of him.

Rich and Christine sat near the door in case of any danger. They both took our their weapons and and lay it before them. Rich looked over to Jake who was against the wall away from him.

"Jakey, come. You can lay your head on my lap."

Jake didn't hesitate as he lay his head on Rich's lap and burried it on his stomach. Rich kissed Jake's cheeks as the taller boy drifted off to sleep.

Jeremy was chatting with Rich and Christine, and he was kinda enjoying it before he decided he wanted to get some rest. He lay his head against the corner of the wall, already unable to move with the snoring kid atop of him, since he was on Jeremy's lap, and his head was in Jeremy's chest.

Jeremy then took a deep breath and for his confidence together.
He kissed Mikey's cheek and whispered, before going to sleep,

"I love you."

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