Level 2: Progress Saved

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Christine, Brooke, Jeremy, and Rich all waited in the big house. It was destroyed, rubble here and there from the remains of the broken walls. They were getting worried- Jake and Michael haven't arrived yet.

"This is getting too long, it's already afternoon!" Brooke worriedly said, hugging Christine for comfort.

"I'm sure they're fine." Rich tried to comfort her, but even he doubted his words.

"The w-" Jeremy stopped mid sentence.

The 3 noticed Jeremy looking at a certain direction, turning pale. They shifted their eyes to where he was looking, and they too, saw.

Jake had Michael on his back as he approached them. They both were a huge mess, blood dripping down Michael's back and Jake's knuckles. Michael's head lay on Jake's right shoulder, without glasses and both their hair a huge mess. Michael's sweater was ripped from the back

Jeremy, Rich, Christine, and Brooke rushed towards the two boys. Jeremy picked Michael up and set him on the ground, Michael wincing as his back made contact with the ground. It hurt to see his friend since forever in agony.

"What happened?!" Jeremy asked worringly.
"Look in my pockets..." Michael muttered.

Jeremy did as asked and found quite the stash of water, food, and some bandages. Some were even hidden in his hoodie.

"Me and Jake went to the old man's shop and got the supplies we could before the zombies attacked. It's fine, we're fine."

Jeremy glanced at the bleeding wound Michael had. That was a huge lie.
"Micheal, you're not. We're gonna help you."

*** *** *** ***

The gang stayed inside to help with all the shitstorm. Rich bandaged up Jake's knuckles with a few band-aids and kissed them for "good luck". Christie and Brooke were dividing the supplies evenly for eveyone. Jeremy was helping Michael with his problem. He slowly and carefully took off Michael's sweater, the poor wounded boy having tears and wincing again.

Michael had a black top under his sweater, also ripped. Jeremy warned Michael before wrapping the boy's sweater around the wound. The bleeding was coming to a stop, but it was still a problem. Too much blood lost and he would pass out- and they didn't want to go any further. Jeremy made Michael prop up against the wall so it could be easier.

"You okay Mikey?" Jeremy asked softly.
"Mmhmm.." Michael nodded.
"Can you see me?"
"Mmm... hmm?"
"Oh god."

Michael held Jeremy's hand before he could do anything.
"Please stay." Michael wimpered.

It was the middle of the apocalypse, how could he not say no? Especially with Michael's puppy eyes...

Jeremy sat beside Michael. Michael wrapped his arms around Jeremy and lay his head on his shoulder.

*** *** *** ***

"Time to move out." Rich said, gathering the things.

According to Jeremy, to proceed to the next level, they had to advance farther into the city. And they had to go now before the sun set back down again.

"Let's go genius." Brooke smiled, trying to lighten up the situation. She always tried her gosh diggity darn best.

Jeremy nodded, picking his sleeping boi and walked out with the rest of them.

They all wandered deeper into the city. The place was a mess- houses and buildings had cracked windows, and the walls were stained with blood, dirt, and other things (which they didn't need or want to know). Rich had his bat out in case if anything popped out.

They all decided to stay in a tree house they found in someone's backyard. They all climbed up, Jake and Jeremy lifting Michael up. The sun was beginning to set, so they decided that Christine, Jake, and Michael would stay sleeping since they stayed awake last time. Jeremy, Brooke, and Rich were sitting in front of the open area which was the entrance. They all talked about things, and soon, it was getting late. Rich and Brooke decided to keep watch while Jeremy wished them good luck and went towards Michael, cuddling up with him.

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