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Three Years Later:

Tris POV:

It's been three years since the war. Three years since I've almost died. And you want to know why I lived? I lived for him. I should be dead- I saw her, my mother.

I'm 20 now. And he is 22. I don't know why he's stayed with me, why this long, why after everything we've been through. But he has, and he always will. I know it.

I run my arm down his back, touching his tattoos, and trying to make him wake up. I've been waiting for a little while, but it's getting late now. I lean to his ear and whisper his name. He stirs and I know he's up, but he's not getting up.

Two can play at that game. I lightly press my lips to his, and as he tries to deepen the kiss, I get up and sprint to the bathroom, hysterically laughing along the way. I slam the door shut, and lean against the door.

I hear him walking closer and closer to the door, and I try to hold in a laugh. "Oh Trissy, that's not very nice you know!" He yells, in a joking matter.

"It's not nice? Really? I didn't know I'm sorry." I say with sarcasm thick in my voice. I can almost hear him roll his eyes, and I stand up and look into the mirror. The door opens and Tobias' arms wrap around my small frame.

He flips me over his shoulder, as I flail my arms and legs. "Tobias!" I scream, laughing, and gasping for air. "Put me down!"

"You look like an angry fluffy bunny Tris." And he almost drops me because he's laughing too hard. That's not nice. What the heck.

"I hate you." I say, plainly, but with the biggest smile on my face. I see that he's wearing mock hurt and I laugh a little. As I'm bouncing around on his shoulders, I whisper, "You know I don't Toby. I love you." And I kiss his cheek.

"I love you too Tris." I smile, and keep bouncing over his shoulder. In any other faction, we'd look so weird. But in Dauntless, it's just us.

Him and I. And baby Kayla of course.

Hiya guys! And girls!
I hope you liked this chapter, as you probably saw in the beginning, it's been a few years.

Baby Kayla...

Well, love ya,


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