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ONE LAST WARNING: THIS IS LONGGGGG but your gonna want to read it anyway 🤪🤪🤪



I wake to the sound of that dreadful alarm. Thousands or thought roll through my head. Please work.

I run and throw on my dauntless clothes.

I pick up the phone and dial Christina's number.

It's ringing. 1...2....3 times.  She better be up.


Ring. RIng RINg RING!
Oh my gosh! I didn't wake up he's going to be mad!

I pick up the phone and shakily say, "h..hello?"

"I THOUGHT YOU WOULD NEVER ANSWER. What took you so long! Were you asleep?" He says in his instructor voice.

I look at the clock. 7:30. I have plenty of time. I think.

"No I wasn't asleep. I was in the. Uh. Bathroom!" I lie.

"Oh. Well meet me at the hospital no later than 8:05!" He hangs up.

I put on a black tank top and a leather jacket. I slip on some navy blue jeans and my combat boots.

My hair is already at my mid back? It's been that long. When we started training it was like two inches past ear length!

I put it in a ponytail and rush towards the train.

I see a light and feel the ground vibrate.
I gulp and mumble "I haven't done this in a while."

I start to jog beside the train and hoist myself in. Woah. That took a lot more effort than I remember. I hold my head out to look for the spot to jump out and to feel Dauntless again.


I look down at my watch: 7:58.
Where is she? She better get here and fast.

I watch her fall and tumble out of the train. She dusts the dirt off of her and sprints over here. It's been a while since I did that.

"Am I late?!" She says out of breath.

I tap my chin and look at the watch.
"Almost. It's 8:04."

She wipes a few beads of sweat and sighs in relief.

"Are you ready for this?" She asks cheerfully. No I'm not. I'm afraid this won't work. And I'm afraid of the consequences.

"Yes." I say but I know she can tell I'm lying.

"Uh huh." She says, rolling her eyes. I grab her wrist and drag her to the hospital doors.

I make her talk to the lady at the desk.

"Okay. You go that way. The doctors will bring Tris this way," I start pointing at a map of the hospital, "and right here is where you will distract the doctors long enough for the two of us to get out."

She nods. "Where do I go?"

"We are going to run down the street and enter the building that is always busy!" I say laughing.

"Got it?"

"Um.. yea?" She says, almost asking it.


~Time Lapse~

I feel my bed rolling. I am first confused but then remember what I'm doing. This plan better work.

Someone grabs my hand. I hope that's Tobias. I barely open my eyes to see that he's holding two hoodies.

I shut them again.
"I'm sorry for your loss." A younger woman says.

I hear sniffling. I'm guessing he's "crying."


I hear them round the corner. What should I say? I scoot back about ten steps and start sprinting forward.

I "accidentally" run into one of the doctors.

"HELP HELP! I NEED ALL OF YOUR GUYS' HELP!" I start jogging down the hallway. All of the twisted hallways.

Left. Right. Right.  Up an elevator. More useless turns.


Perfect! They all left! I wake Tris up by gently shaking her. I pull her into a hug and help her out of the bed.

"I love you!" I say to her.
"I love you too." She says, "but where are we going to go! And what about Chris?"

"First of all, we are putting on these sweaters. Make sure to put the hood on. Now follow me!"


He starts running so I follow him. I wonder where Chris is taking the doctors?

He turns a sharp corner and I almost run into a wall. He then jumps down a flight of stairs while I slide down the railing.

We hear somebody so we slow and start walking. We open the doors and sprint out of the building down the street.

He opens the door to a really busy building. I grab his hand and squeeze it.
"We did it!" I yell as I kiss him.

I am so glad I'm out of that hospital. It was very sketchy.

"Let's stay near the door so we can open it when we see Christina!" He shouts. This building is very loud. I sit down in the nearest empty chair.


I hope there is someone here that needs help. I turn a few more corners and see an old man clenching his side and out of breath.

"He needs help!" I say.

I slowly walk away when they go to help him. I go down the elevator towards Tris' empty bed.

I push it and speed walk the other way. Once I open the doors I am gone!

I run towards the building Four said to go to. I open a door and look around.

Oof. I landed in an amity bar. Everyone is singing and dancing. I rush out of the door.

I know for sure Four could not be in there because that gets annoying after 5 minutes.

I hear a door open and someone pulls me in. I scream but a soft hand covers my mouth.

"Could you be any louder!?" A familiar voice says. She turns me around and it is...

Cliffhanger! Hehe this was a really long chapter. I hand write these before I type them and so it took a long time doing both.

Thanks for reading. I'll try to post my edit soon.

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