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hehe there's more! I don't own TDS mmkay?


I wake up to the sound of someone sobbing. Is that? Is that Tobias?

I look at my stomach and see a death certificate. It reads:

Tris Prior: Death from multiple punches to the face
Really. That's how I died. Not from the fact I got shot multiple times in the chest? But I'm breathing? I'm reading. I'm thinking for God's sake! I AM NOT DEAD!

But Tobias is crying. There is a death certificate on my stomach.

"Tobias?" I start not expecting a reply since well, I'm "dead." "Am I dead?"

He jumps and looks at me, tears streaming down his face. He looks at me and presses his lips against mine.

"Well I'm for sure not dead!" I say, laughing.

"How? The doctors said you were dead! Unless, someone is up to it. Maybe someone planned this!" He says worried, but very alert.

"To be honest, I feel more alive than ever, I bet you I can get right up and walk. No. Run. I BET YOU I COULD FLY IF I HAD WINGS!" I yell.

He just shakes his head and laughs, "Well, you can't fly, but we can get you out of this horrid hospital!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I feel like I'm questioning everything. Am I? Haha.

"Well since you are technically 'dead', you are being taken out of the room tomorrow. Maybe we can get Christina to distract the doctors by lying-" I interrupt him. "Chris? Lying? She's in candor for gods sake Tobias!" I yell.

"She's changed a lot Tris. Like a lot. I almost believe the lies."

"That's saying a lot." I say sarcastically.
"Where is she anyways?"

There I am again. Questioning everything.

He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Back to what I WAS saying, she can lie and distract the doctors and while they bring you out you and me can run out of there and hide somewhere."

"Perfect! We just gotta find Chris!" I say. "But what does Christina say when they notice I'm not there?" More questioning. Really Tris!

"She can say they already took you out while they were taking care of her." He says smirking.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I say.
He just laughs.

Resurgent (Alternate Allegiant Ending)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora