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Tobias POV:

"Four? Four! Where are you?" A familiar voice yells. Christina.

"I have been in the cafeteria mooing around all day. One, Tris is hurt, and two, there is no chocolate cake." I reply to her. Her mouth shapes the letter "O". I laugh.

"Do you want to see Tris or not?" I nod quickly as she says this. "By the way, she's gonna be in Peace Serum, with Truth serum." I hope nothing else is in it.

I roll my eyes. Not this again. Christina laughs at me. "You haven't seen her in this! It's really bad!"

I walk into the hospital room and sit on a chair near Tris. She is asleep, which isn't surprising. I squeeze her hand and she wakes up.

Tris POV:

I wake up to Four squeezing my hand. I'm really confused, but also really happy. Why am I so happy?

"Hiya Four! What are you doing here?" I ask. He shudders when I say his name. I look around the room.

"Hey that's not my name!" He says laughing at me.

"Yea it is! You are Four, my instructor!" I say. I feel like there is something more about him. What is it?

"I'm your boyfriend Tris!" Four says loudly. What does he mean that he's my girlfriend? I'm not allowed to date my instructor!

"Your silly! I'm not supposed to date my instructor!" It's true. I'm not. But I never act like this what is wrong with me!

"Tris!" He squeezes my hand, "I promise you we are dating! Oh lord what is wrong with you!"

Nothing is wrong with me Four! Did I say that out loud? I really don't know.

"Yes you said that out loud Tris. Christina! Get in here!" Four frowns. Christina walks in.

"Hiya Christina! Four over here says I'm dating him but I don't believe him!" I say triumphantly. She frowns and has a worried look on her face.

"You are dating him. Four, did they give her too much...again?" Christina asks. Four shrugs.

"Waiiittttt!" I start, "is this a serum? Because I am divergent." I cover my hand over my mouth and gasp. "Ah! You weren't supposed to know that!"

"Tris, we already know that." Christina says plainly.
"Oh" is all I manage to say. "I just neeed to fooocush" my words start to slur and I fall asleep.

But I can hear everything and feel things.  So what is wrong with me?

"Tris!" Four yells. Wait why am I calling him Four? Isn't his name Tobias?

"Wake up!" Christina yells, slightly shaking my shoulder.

Tobias's words go through my head.

Be brave. Be brave. Be brave. Wake up Tris! Please open up!

Be brave. Wake up. Be brave. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!

I'm gonna start working on another fan fiction called Always, Forever. I'll upload the first two chapters tomorrow! Maybe more🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm still going to write in this one, I promise.

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