8.Am i getting jealous?...

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I walk out and Ezra is leaning against the wall talking to Klaus and Erika.

"Hey gorgeous" Ezra walks towards me and swings his arm around me.

Erika looks at me, raises her eyebrow and smirks.

"Hey Ez" I lean my head on his shoulder.

We lean against the locker and as I look up smiling at him I notice someone looking at us in the corner of my eye.


I look across and Megan is just staring from across the hall.

I wave her over and she looks around her to see if it's me she's talking to then walks over.

"Hey Esme" she smiles and fiddles with her bag.

"You okay? Wanna hang here with us?" I ask softly.

"Yeah sure, I was kinda lonely over there" she laughs lightly.

I see Ezra looking her up and Klaus was doing the same.

I look at Erika and know that she's feeling insecure about it.

I whisper to Erika
"Flirt with Ezra"

She looks at me with a slight smile.
"Are you sure"

I think about it...

I'm really enjoying my time flirting with Ezra but she's my best friend and we need to test if this boy is going to break her heart.

"Yeah" I smile at her.

I move away from Ezra and whisper that I'll be back in a bit.

I walk away and watch from around the corner.

I watch as Erika walks over to Ezra and starts talking to him. Klaus stares towards her curiously.

Erika starts laughing and lays her head onto Ezra.

He laughs with her and places his head on top of hers.

My tummy drops inside of me but I'm still unsure how I'm feeling.

I continue to watch as she keeps her head resting on Ezra's shoulder whilst he starts to run his hand over her head.

Looking at them in this moment they look like a couple, a really good one I have to admit. My attention gets caught by Klaus.

He looks towards the pair and his face drops a little. Then he walks towards Megan.

He starts talking to her and then all of a sudden they link fingers and walk away.

I look towards Erika and was expecting to see her face drop but Ezra and her were so distracted by one another that she hadn't noticed.

Then... she realised.

She looks forwards and as soon as Ezra clicks on he sighs.

"Aw I'm sorry Ez" he hugs her tightly.

"She always takes everything away from me" she mutters.

I go to run over to her but a hand takes ahold of my arm.

I get spun around and dragged into a room.

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