20. The last day at college.

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The day has flown my so quickly. In last lesson with Jac.

"So class, last lesson of the day. I know you're all shattered and probably just want to have your spring break and leave this place for good. But sadly, you've got me." He smiles cheekily.

Nobody laughs but me.

He smirks at me.

He talks on for the rest of the hour and I sit there and admire him.

"You have a beautiful house" Jac says whilst walking around my house.

"Thank you" I say smiling.

"No worries, so.." he says looking at me.

"So... I was wondering, do you fancy watching some tv? I've got popcorn" I blurt out

"Uh sure" he smiles at me.

Why does this feel so tense and awkward.

"It's mad isn't it" he says and wraps his arms around me.

"What is?" I question.

"The fact that I'm not longer your teacher, you're no longer my student" he smirks at me.

"Hm, thought that was a good thing" I whisper.

"Can be known to be both" he grins.

"Can it?" I smirk.

" let me show you" he says whilst placing a hand behind my head.

"Maybe I can be your teacher once more and you can be my student whilst we lean both reasons why?" He whispers.

He carries me upstairs...


"Wow" He says heavily breathing.

"Yeah" I also heavily breath.

"I love you Esme" he pants.

"I love you too Jac" I kiss him.

We shower and clean ourselves up and go downstairs to the kitchen.

"Shall I make us some dinner?" Jac says whilst adapting his arms around my waist.

"Ooh that would be amazing!! When did you lean how to cook?" I smirk.

"Hm my secret" he smirks back at me.

He stands in the kitchen in his boxers frying and baking. He's so talented. What doesn't this man know.

"Mmm" I accidentally sat out loud and Jac turns to look at me with a grin.

"Like what you see?" He smiles.

He walks over to me and kisses me on the head.

"Dinner will be ready soon, Beautiful" he walks back over to cooking.

"Thank you" I say whilst going to lay out the table.

He brings over our plates. It looks delicious.

"Ooh, thank you so much baby, looks amazing" I lick my lips.

"Good I'm glad. Let me know how it tastes." He smiles.

I take a big bite, "ooo my gosh, it's so good" I let out a loud moan.

"Chill babe" he laughs at me, I laugh back.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

* a few weeks later*

"I told you I'm fine, I'm so annoyed you guys are making me do this" I say frustrated whilst jiggling over the toilet seat.

I walk out of my cubicle and place the stick on the side.

Erika smiles at me and Megan laughs.

"What would you do?" Megan asks.

"Honestly meg? I don't know I honestly dont. I guess i'd need to tell Jac first and foremost." 

"Of course" Erika says.

"Has it been two minutes?" I question.

"Yep, lets take a look..." Megan looks.

Megan drops the stick and turns to us.



And that's it, that's a wrap. Hope you've enjoyed this book. Thank you  so much for reading. Goodbye X


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