It's all a Conspiracy...

Start from the beginning

This one highkey terrifies me, I'm not the expert but this place is riddled with new world order theories.

So it was built in 1995 and nobody really knew why as there was already one that was working near to the city too. It went $2 billion over budget and nobody really knew why and it was just plain weird. So the art and decor are just plain weird, like murals of Anubis, devils jumping out a suitcase and a creepy glowing-eyed horse statue that later fell on and killed its designer. It also says it was funded by the New World Airport Commission but apparently that group doesn't even exist so I don't know what the fuck is going on there. Apparently, they fucked up the first five buildings and they were apparently buried under the airport (I don't even know) which is very weird.

 Apparently, they fucked up the first five buildings and they were apparently buried under the airport (I don't even know) which is very weird

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(The Horse statue which is terrifying)

I don't really know what's going on here but apparently, some people believe it's the headquarters of the Illuminati or is the home of bunkers for the world leaders due to the costs. Some people even believe it's going to be like the place where demons come out (?) but that's too far even for me. I don't really know but it's very weird.


The Nelson Mandela Effect   

This one started back when Nelson Mandela was released from prison but many people believed that he'd actually died in prison and all remembered really specific and similar details to one another. They also found other ones like this such as people claiming that 'Sex and the City' was actually 'Sex in the city' and some people even claimed to have memorabilia detailing the alternative title (although I personally believe this could just be they got tricked into buying shoddy knock-offs and were embarrassed about it ... I still love this theory though)


Last Thursdayism

Whilst I don't exactly believe this one, it's definitely an interesting concept.

So basically what it's saying is that we have no proof that the universe didn't start 'last Thursday' for instance and that all our memories are implanted and everything came into being exactly as it was. It's kind of saying that we have no proof the past actually happened, our memories could simply be false and nothing can ever truly prove that they happened which I don't know, but I hate that idea.


The Phantom Time effect   

So this one claims that the dark ages, roughly like 600 - 900 AD never happened and was basically fabricated. The theory is that this narcissistic Emperor Otto III decided that it would be really cool to rule in the year 1000 AD and added 297 years to the calendar to make that happen which means that according to this, we're currently in the 18th century.

In those years there were very little changes to Agricultural and scientific changes were made and there is actually a lot of documents that are forgeries and were written years before the events actually happened. There is also a MAJOR lack of art and architecture from this period too. Also, some people claim that Charlemagne's legacy never happened and was just too extraordinary and that he was simply a mythological figure.


Dorothy Killgallen and Marilyn Monroe

So many celebrities death that I could talk about but these two always interested me the most

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So many celebrities death that I could talk about but these two always interested me the most. So Marilyn Monroe was allegedly having affairs with both of the Kennedy brothers and was threatening to reveal this to the world. She also apparently kept the details of lots of government details in a little red book and was considered a bit of a problem. Many people think that her death from Barbiturate overdose was the work of the Kennedy's or the Mafia.

Dorothy Kilgallen was a journalist who did a lot of investigative journalism into organised crime and wrote an article revealing the affair between JFK and Marilyn as well as really pissing off Frank Sinatra who asked people to run over her over with a bus or something (and he called her the chinless wonder apparently, which isn't relevant but I love it). She died in a very similar way to Marilyn and it was very odd like she was found in a bed that she never slept in and when her hairdresser who discovered her called the police, he left the house and found two police cars there already as if they knew she'd died.

Anyway, there are theories that they are connected in ways and that they were both murdered by the Kennedys and co. I don't know if I believe it but it's interesting.


There'll probably be a part two at some point because I love these so much, I'm lowkey an addict. I don't believe all of these but they're definitely interesting and anything involving time scares me - E x  

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