The Struggles of a Wattpad Author

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I did this one before but this is the new updated version! The struggles 2.0 because I'm bored and want to do something whilst I figure out what to update and crap.


► When somebody sees your search history and it literally has something fucking weird like 'Ben Barnes screaming in anguish at the empty world gif' and you have to explain that you're not a sadist who enjoys seeing people scream... nobody believes me though

► When you have six chapters to write, two new books to publish, comments and messages to reply to but it's almost one o'clock and you're just sitting there like

► When you're about to settle down for the night and finally start replying and then suddenly see the damn WATTPAD IS UPDATING, WE SHOULD BE DONE IN THREE HOURS BUT YOU KNOW THAT THEY WON'T AND YOU HAVE ACTUAL STUFF TO DO

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► When you're about to settle down for the night and finally start replying and then suddenly see the damn WATTPAD IS UPDATING, WE SHOULD BE DONE IN THREE HOURS BUT YOU KNOW THAT THEY WON'T AND YOU HAVE ACTUAL STUFF TO DO... I'm fine, I swear

► That horrible feeling you get when you're writing and have left a book for seven fucking days so you need to write but realise you have nothing to say and it's all vaguely awful but you can't bear to leave it another day

► That horrible feeling you get when you're writing and have left a book for seven fucking days so you need to write but realise you have nothing to say and it's all vaguely awful but you can't bear to leave it another day

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► When Wattpad glitches and DELETES YOUR FUCKING BOOK THAT YOU SPENT LITERALLY THE PAST SIX MONTHS ON which happens WAY too much and it is literally terrifying

► When Wattpad glitches and DELETES YOUR FUCKING BOOK THAT YOU SPENT LITERALLY THE PAST SIX MONTHS ON which happens WAY too much and it is literally terrifying

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101WTDTD got deleted and I literally had to go and make myself multiple Strawberry Milkshakes to calm myself down. I mean it came back within about 15 hours but honestly those 15 hours were the longest 15 hours I have had to endure and I have been on a 15 hours plane ride before so it's saying something

► (Not a struggle but oh well) When somebody literally comments the sweetest thing on one of your books which just brightens your day beyond anything and you just want to give them a virtual hug for existing because Wattpad is so full of hate and they are just this pure lovely being

► (Not a struggle but oh well) When somebody literally comments the sweetest thing on one of your books which just brightens your day beyond anything and you just want to give them a virtual hug for existing because Wattpad is so full of hate and ...

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(That is literally what I look like, just ask my sister as she's the one who has to put up with my sappy arse)

► So like none of my friends other than about  three of them, know I have a wattpad account because I don't like people I know irl reading my work. So it's always awkward when I suddenly get a notification spam and somebody says something like 'Ooh, somebody's popular, who are you talking to' and I'm just like

 So it's always awkward when I suddenly get a notification spam and somebody says something like 'Ooh, somebody's popular, who are you talking to' and I'm just like

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► And then with my friends who do know, I think they are just sick of going on and on because I seriously love you guys and want to talk about it. Like I have one friend and if something minorly interesting happens, I will snapchat her and I'm pretty sure she's like this at this point

 Like I have one friend and if something minorly interesting happens, I will snapchat her and I'm pretty sure she's like this at this point

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Or my poor sister, like honestly God bless these people for putting up with me, they are the true MVPs of the world

► When you have a really good idea for a book but realise it's going nowhere and are forced to condemn it to your drafts knowing there's a 99% chance it will never get looked at. I have literally over 100 drafts and should probably put them up in a plot shop or something but I'm highkey attached so instead I have them staring at me judgmentally, knowing 90% of them will never see the light of day

► When you have 10,000 ideas for one book and literally -10 for another and it's like 'Brain, can you sort your shit out please and be a bit more equal?'

► When you want to write a book or chapter but don't have the perfect song for it and waste an hour finding it. Like I could probably remember the song for every chapter I've ever written because it plays in my head over and over again. Like with the Lone Wolf Trilogy, I literally listened to this obscure 90s electro song called 'Cassius 1999' so if you read it playing that, you will know exactly how I felt #themoreyouknow

► When a hater randomly comes along and I'm just like 'Sweetie, fuck off!'

Because honestly, if somebody spends their day, hating, they're probably a crappy person and not worth the time

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Because honestly, if somebody spends their day, hating, they're probably a crappy person and not worth the time. They can just piss off... sorry, wrong rant


Okay, I'm going to go and actually write now and hopefully start using this more although I say that every time and end up leaving it weeks... maybe I'm just not good at rant books... - E x

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