It was all just a dream...

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I love hearing other people's dreams, like Kitty's dreams are these wonderful, well evolved plots and I am always impressed by them so how come my dreams are literally bullshit like 90% of the time? Where do people get these cool arse dreams from?

I have had one or two cool dreams that made sense in my life, one where I was captured in an old manor house and experimented on (it had a plot twist and everything, there is a sequel in my mind but I don't know what it is) and another one where I became pregnant thanks to an alter ego but that is it.

It feels like when I go to sleep my brain is just like let's make this the confusing thing in existence! Make her a man? Yep! For some reason throw in a hotel resort (it happens a LOT)? Absolutely! Put in Cole Sprouse for some reason? Why the fuck not. Like I literally think this is my brain


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Like I can feel my brain trying to do new things and just failing. Like the time I was a man (?) who was abducted by aliens and to prove myself, I had to sleep with some random girl. At this point, my brain realised it had bitten off more than it could chew because a) I don't have a dick and b) how the hell would I know how any of that feels?!

So my brain panics and literally the dream blacks out completely. A few minutes later, I 'awoke' and the aliens explained that I was having too much fun and passed out and even sleep me was like what the fuck?! What does any of that mean? Why aliens? Why was I a man? WHAT THE HELL AM I MEANT TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION?

And the worst part is I'm a cocky prat in my dreams just like in real life. Like the time I was at a store with an annoying guy from my school who is very rich and up his own arse (I can't stand him in real life, why was he there?) and suddenly he leaves me to pay the bill. I can't because I'm broke even in my dreams and the guy behind the counter takes off his skin and begins to chase me. So now, me being a cocky prat figures out it's a dream and decides to stop running because the skinless man can't get me.

I was wrong.

He just carried on running so what was the point of that?

So what is the point of any of these dreams other than to freak me out? Why do some people get novel worthy plots and my mind decides to make me a man or run away from skinless men? Like one time, in my dream, I stood on somebody's landing without their permission. That was it. They told me off and sent me on their way.

Like all those dream things are always like teeth falling out means stress or falling means fear but what does Cole Sprouse randomly appearing mean? I mean he's alright but I don't really care about him that much so why is he there?! He never even does anything useful just checks into my hotel and won't pay or something crappy like that.

Why do you do this to me, brain, why?


Writer's block is being a little bitch for the past week so I might just channel it into a face claims book to help you guys out/ actually order the random faces I have saved on my laptop and make me look like a weirdo - E x

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