the reason that we go on worktrips \ missions trips

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hey guys! OK so I'm going on my work trip to Albany, Georgia today. (its fathers day) and I just wanted to maybe explain to you why work trips are so important in your walk with Christ.

For me work trips have changed the way I look at my life and how blessed I am but also show me talents I didn't even know I had. Here let me elaborate.

When I was in 6th grade I was a shy girl and I went on a work trip that year that just took us down the road. We painted a house for a really sweet lady. Through that work trip I discovered that I'm pretty good at painting houses.

This last summer (2013) I went to Albany, Georgia. (yes this will be our second year going) Let me tell you a little bit about Albany. Albany is the 11th poorest city in America and is the 3rd most depressed city in America. when we got to Albany the first thing we did before we even put our stuff down was go feed the homeless and to go eat with them and talk to them. My youth pastor told us that by the end of the night we had to be able to tell him a homeless persons name and their story. This was really hard for me because I'm really shy when I'm around new people so I didn't really get to know them. But the next morning we some up @5 am and went to Salvation Army to feed them. Then after that we went to a neighbor hood where there were gangs and we painted a house for the organization that we were staying with and on the side of the building it had a gang symbol and let me just tell you I was scared for my life!! And then after that we went across the street to the abandoned park. it literally had a Mary go round, a few picnic tables and a monkey bar type thing. We served the kids that were pretty much homeless and I fell in love with a girl named Diminicia. or as I called her Angel. We were pretty much connected at the hip for that week. I showed her so much love and she showed it right back even though she had barely anything. That work trip completely changed my view on life and I had a complete breakthrough in my relationship with Christ.

The reason for work trips:

The reason for work trips is for us to show Jesus to people everywhere and to everyone we come in contact with over these few days.

Alright I gotta hit the haystack now:) its 3:04 am and I leave today at 10:15 but I have to be at my church by 9:15. So bye and please pray for safety and that we shine the light of Christ everywhere we go! Thanks Love y'all and I won't be on at all this week since I'll be on my work trip. :) byeee XOXO ~Kayla ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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