We all struggle.

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We've all struggled with different things whether it be body image or depression and being suicidal for months or doing drugs or sleeping around. We've all made mistakes. We've all sinned and kinda fell away from God but what really matters is how we get back up from it. Will we let it take power over us or are we going to use God's power to overcome them. We have a choice. Everyday we do. We can either be sad a depressed and throw away the life that God has blessed us with or we can wake up each morning and read our Bible and do life with God every single day. Its a daily choice that we have to make. I've been depressed and suicidal for the past 6 months but I'm done with that. Im done. I finally made a choice to try and stop it. I don't believe in medication for depression because I believe that if we rely on God to get us out of it then Ge will when its good. Its all apart of His plan for our lives. Every struggle and every rough patch that we hit its all apart of Gods plan for our lives and will make us stronger in Him and to rely and trust in Him more. Everything always happens for a reason, we may not always know why at the time but it's always for a reason.

I just felt God putting this on my heart to say tonight. Im really preaching to myself on this one but I believe that there are others of you out there that needed this as well today. So God bless you all! 💗
I love you and God loves you💗💗💗 -k

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