Maybe an angel maybe not

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Authors note

"Hey sorry I haven't written in so long school is just about done so I'll have more time to write. And I've been really stuck on this next part so I hope you enjoy :)"

Sam winchester

I walked out of the mental hospital and opened the passage seat. Dean was in the front seat and Nicole was in back. "Okay, Gloria claims to have been told my an angel of The Lord that she needed to kill this guy,Carl Gulley, because he needed to be punished." Dean just gave me an odd look. "Okay so she is crazy!", Dean scoffed. "There's no such thing as angels!", he made angels clear. "Besides shouldn't we be looking for yellow eyes", Dean insist. "Dean, it's been two weeks and we haven't found anything involving Azazal. So we might as well keep ourselves busy.", I argued. Dean was obviously too tired to argue. He hasn't slept for days. I sighed, "how about me and Nicole search the guys house and see of we notice anything." Nicole just nodded her head in agreement. She was very quiet today. "No way in hell!", Dean barked. "I'm coming with!" I didn't want to get into an argument so I dropped it.

As we pulled up at the mans house. We all noticed a statue of an angel on Carls front porch. "Man angel was definitely on this guys shoulder", Dean chuckled. A small smile landed on Nicole's face. She was starting to act more like herself. He went inside and searches his house. I finally got ini his computer and we found out he was chatting with a 13 year old girl. "look he was going to meet up with her today", I felt disturbed. "Perv!", she said. "Heck of a timing to get killed.", Dean budged in. "Yeah no kidding", I said in agreement.

Another murder was made my a man who also claimed an angel to him to. This guys ended up being a killer and had the body in his basement. Wonderful. We found a connection. That they went to the same church so we started there.

"Hey padre", Dean waved to the paster. "We just moved here and we were looking for a new church.", I smiled politely at the man. He returned with a bright smile. "Always happy to welcome new comers. What do you want to know?", he asked. Nicole smiled, " wasn't there a few people that go to your church that have been murdered?". She was really good at convincing people to talk. I liked that about her. He sighed and looked down. "Yes, I'm afraid two of our (our meaning the church) friends where killed in the last couple of days. A shame. They were good people. "Good meaning....", Dean asked. "Well they always went to church, was kind, very fine men." "Thank you", I began to ten around and noticed a hole bunch of flowers but they stairs. "What is that?", I blurted. The father seemed to get sadder. "Father Gregory was shot and killed they about a week ago. Just tragic." "About the time of the murders", Dean whispered in my ear. I nodded in agreement. "Thank you again Father.", Nicole gave him a big smile and walked out the door with me and Dean.

We found out it was the ghost of father Gregory and not an angel. Dana was right and I was wrong. I really wanted it to be an angel. I thought maybe there could be some good in this world, but maybe Dean was right. Maybe there is just some bad crap. We set Gregory to peace. And went back to the motel.


"I'm going to a bar", Dean mumbled and head out the door leaving me and Sam alone. I thought it was going to be awkward but it wasn't. Which I was happy about. "Want some coffee", Sam asked me. "Dean says I make it the best" I could help bit laugh. "Yeah, sure thing tiger". He let out a chuckle and went to the coffee maker.

We sipped out coffee and talked about how Sam wanted it to be an angel so bad. I set my hand onto his in an comforting way and looked at me smiling. "Well I'm going to take a shower", I told him as I headed for the bathroom.

I came back and Dean and Sam were on the beds. Sleeping. I sighed there was no couch. I grabbed a pillow and latex in the door by Sam's bed. "Hey", I heard a soft voice whisper. "Yeah i sat up looking at Sam. "you wanna...", his cheeks turned bright red. It was adorable. "Sleep up here.", he finally managed. "It'll be more comfortable.", he insisted. "Sure", I quietly got under the covers and instantly felt the heat if Sam's body. (his freakin abs!) I felt safe and cozy. And soon dozed off into a dreamless sleep

Authors note

"Okay I want to know what you think.

Should I add Dean more into the story?

Should Dean meet someone?

Do you like the chemistry between Nicole and Sam?


Love to here some comments and what you think about it and what I should add. Thanks ^-^

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