He grinned showing his fangs


Contains some spoilaassss

" well to be short with you------jk I nah spoilin it-----"

"Woah...I see..sorry for asking that was rude of me to invade you-" i said quickly only to get cut off

"It's okay Kayana-chan. I don't mine once it's you but how about you tell me yours." He
responded smiling.

"Ah, well I was the child of the first father but he went with another woman and left me with this house. They actually agreed to take me in but Maehara doesn't really know all of this. He doesn't like me at all though and he's such a playboy. Be usually ignores me and his girlfriends are always on my case....but that's all really. Nothing else.My life is basic and boringgggggg."

"Oh I see. We aren't you the least bit sad about your past?" He asked.

I shrugged while keeping my eyes on the road

"Nah not really. To be honest I couldn't give a damn." I answere nonchalantly.

I whistled.

"Well I'd be damned."

I laughed.

"How could you be damned over a father who didn't care about you. That's crazy." I mused.

He chuckled.

"Well I don't know. Probally because if the fact that my father didn't care about me." He answered.

We laughed.

"Yeah ok so how's that gonna be. 'AW Shit I just remembered I had a father? He was soo nice and kind to me. Infact he was so nice he left me on the house steps instead of the dump and he was like 'Screw this child and family I love another woman not the woman who I made this child with. Oh look a random house. Here take her.' *leaves* I am soo nice."

"Now that just sounds dumb~I think it's more like' these stairs are shiny. *puts child down* may the stairs be with you."

I laughed so hard.

"What t-the actual hell Eusford." I said gasping.

Still concentrating on the road because saftey first and this car was hella expensive.

He snickered

"What's so funny?" Lacus asked.

Rene was asleep. Cute.

"Ah nothing. Just looking at some morons driving." I lied.

"Huh?" He asked pouting.

Ferid was boorrreeddd.

"We're almost there Lacus. Maybe if you like you could try looking out for some also." I suggested
Crowley was annoyed. Lacus disrupted our conversation.

"Anyways....guys don't do anything stupid please. I can't have you getting arrested or in trouble. I am.the new person in charge here. Got that Ferid." I informed.

"Hai~hai~ "

"Act just as sophisticated as you do when you are at a hella expensive party back in Vampire city."

"Okay Kayana-chan!"


We got out of the car and stood infront of...
Kunugigoaka Grocery store....* pretend ok*

Now we just got the looks. From everyone. 

Them girls were shook.
And them boys were drooling.

That is the outfit (credit goes to drawer)

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That is the outfit (credit goes to drawer)

"Come on guys let's go . Faster we do this faster we can hang."


I pulled a trolley and we went into the grocery

"Kayana-san, what is that thing you are carrying?" Rene inquired looking at it as if it were an alien. He had his bored expression but you can tell when you look into his eyes.

"Oh this. Just a trolley, put groceries in em so you don't have to hold them." I replied

He deadpanned.

"Humans are lame." Lacus piped.

"Lacus hush, you're gonna get us in trouble." I screeched softly.

He shrugged.

"I could easily kill a guard here y'know." He defended.

I panicked

"Lacus , no garlic."

And he sgut up instantly.

"Come on we gotta buy these items.


Cake mix





And the list went on and on and on and.

"Omg he's totally looking at me!!" Some squeky cheese squeled.

Who? I fast too. I wanna know two.

"I saw I saw!OMg he's looking over here!"

How annoying.

Oh great. Look at how high up that is. I can't reach the cans....

"Rene, can you get those for me?" I asked tugging on his shirt. (Cause they couldn't walk around in their eccentric and fabulous attire)

He gave me his attention for a while . I pointed to the highest shelf.

"The silver can please."

He nodded.


He moved me aside gently  and reached for it successfully taking it down.

"Ah thank you so much Rene." I muttered and gave him a quick hug.

"Your welcome." He mumbled monotonly

"Now where is Ferid and Lacus and Crowley..."



"Oh my gosh they are so hot!!"

"Ask for their number!"

"Crowley-kun, those girls are checking you out~Why not go say hi~"



"Rene, let's just go." I muttered in annoyance.

Those girls better leave them alone.

I grabbed Rene's hand and pulled him along with me. He assissted me with the list and items.

We went to grab the boys and Ferid's wallet

I payed for the items and dragged the boys out and away from those girls.


The car ride was like the usual and arriving homw was faster than getting their for some odd reason. But anyway. We were home.


(Editing)The Light And The Darkness. Seraph Of The End X Reader Fanfiction  Where stories live. Discover now