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I didn't sleep that night, I tossed and I turned and I thought, the thoughts of him hurting Camila the thoughts that we let him get away. We lost he, we had her and then we lost her.

It was like 6am and I didn't feel like leaving Camila and I's room so I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

"Our favourite pop teen sensation gone, some lunatic has kidnapped Camila Cabello and sources say he wants to kill her. Camila is the worlds biggest star and we can say that her parents have the best lawyers and best police forces looking for Camila to ensure she is returned to her family and friends safely" the reported said.

How could someone want to her Camila, she has the softest of voice when she talks and sings, she has these adorable chocolate brown eyes. Her laugh is music to my ears and when she cries I feel my heart shatter into millions of pieces and when she finally laughs it slowly rebuilds my shattered heart.

I was snapped out my thoughts when my phone beeped.

Unknown: It appears Camila made her choice about who she wants to be with. Meet us at the address you last saw her. Come alone or I won't hesitate to kill her , don't tell anyone where you are going or she dies. 10:20am

I quickly got up and dressed and sprinted down stairs and into the first cab I saw, we finally arrived and I jumped out of the car unsure of whether or not it stopped and I sprinted into the room I last saw her.

She was there in the same chair but she had blood on her top and her eyes were puffy and she looked weak. She looked broken and in pain and that shattered my heart and increased my anger.

I ran over to her and crouched in front of her.

"OMG Camila, it's lauren it's okay it's gonna be okay just stay with me baby stay with me" I said frantically untying her i untied the last knot and that's when the door opened.

"Shame she chose you because that means you have to die" he said with no emotion in his voice holding up the gun, I put my hand behind my back guarding Camila, I felt Camila grab my hand and squeeze it.

"3,2,1....." he counted and I heard the bang but I never felt anything, I saw the gun drop and slide to the middle of the room. I looked back expecting to see Camila sitting there but i was wrong.

I realised I was wrong when I saw Camila lying on the floor in front of me with blood surrounding her and a gun in her hand. I quickly called an ambulance before taking off my shirt and tied it around Camila's wound in attempt to stop the blood. I heard the ambulance workers wander about looking for us.

"HELP!!!" I screamed and in ran 4 or 5 paramedics who carried an unconscious Camila out On a stretcher, I followed them out and watched them put her in the ambulance.

"Excuse me you are wanted for questioning by the police and they requested you meet them at your hotel now and you can come see Camila after " the paramedic said before shutting the doors and speeding away.

I fell to my knees and sobbed, she took a bullet for me and killed Luke. The one I was supposed to save saved me. When I came in she looked unable to stand let alone jump in front of me saving my life.

In that moment I realised I don't deserve Camila, all this time most people thought she didn't deserve me but I realised it was the other way about. Camila is too good for me and anyone else.

I got in the cab waiting for me which took me back to the hotel where in the reception I was greeted by sympathetic police officers.

"Miss, May you please explain to us what happened?" The male officer asked.

I explained everything the text Ariana got, right up to this very moment. The police escorted me to the hospital and directed me to the nurse.

"Can I see her?" I asked and the nurse smiled at me. 

"She's in surgery I don't think you'll be able to her her till tomorrow go home and get some rest sweetie come back tomorrow" the nurse said and I nodded.

I left the hospital and went to the hotel, I ran up to Normanis room.

"OMG lauren where have you been?" Normani asked sounding worried.

"Get everyone here now" I said and that's what she did Normani gathered everyone and I stood in front of them as they all looked at me with concern written all over their faces.

"Camila's in the hospital, Luke asked me to meet him alone and if I didn't go alone he'd kill her. I found her and she looked weak she had blood on her and she didn't look as if she knew where she was. I untied her and as soon as I did Luke appeared and he was going to shoot me he fired the gun but Camila jumped in front of me and took the bullet but killed him at the same time" I explained and I looked at Normani and I watched her heart break and the same with Shawn.

Shawn immediately stood up and began pacing he was getting worked up. Normani started crying.

"We need to go to the hospital" Ariana said, her voice cracking mid way through the sentence.

"She's in surgery and the nurse said we should come back in the morning. It's late so we might as-well go to sleep and go tomorrow when she's awake" I said and everyone nodded and left the room.

I was walking into my room when I heard Dinah call my name. I stopped and turned to face her.

"You okay Lo?" She asked and I put on a fake smile and nodded she didn't push the topic further instead she went to her room.

I tripped over Camila's hoodie, I picked it up and cuddled it as I went to sleep.

"I'm sorry Camila" I whispered as a tear rolled slowly down my cheek. "I never meant for you to get hurt it should of been me".

Famous in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora