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We were standing outside Camila's room and the doctor explained that Camila was just stressed and very overwhelmed and it got to much therefor she passed out. Camila was awake and we took her to the car and we went back to the hotel. I carried Camila back up to the room and I lay her on her bed.

"Lauren" Camila said sitting up on her bed.

"Thank you for looking after me and shit like that" Camila said and I laughed at her choice of words.

"No worries Camila just get some sleep" I said and I expected her to lye back down but she never she stood up and walked towards me. 

"I'm not tired, lauren I have a question " Camila said stepping closer to me.

"Ask away" I said curious to what she had to ask.

"Why do you constantly look out for me when I don't deserve it?" Camila asked feeling insecure and vulnerable.

"Because I know that you mean well Camila and I know fame makes people do questionable things but I know you are a good person" I replied and Camila wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"thank you" Camila said before walking into the bathroom.

I watched her walk into the bathroom and once the door was closed I sat down, I know she is a good person but she has a reputation that I don't think she's ready to give up yet and I think that's fair she's young and she need this time to have fun.

Camila came out the bathroom she smiled at me and sat beside me.

"Everything okay?" She asked and I smiled and nodded.

"I'm nervous for my show in 6 days" Camila admitted fiddling with her fingers.

"I'd be confused if you weren't nervous but don't worry we will all be there front row cheering you on" I said in attempt to reassure her.

Camila and I spoke for hours until we both decided to go to bed.

I was woke up by loud thumping on the door, I looked over and Camila wasn't going to get it, I quickly got up and jogged to the door I opened it and saw Shawn.

"Hey are you guys ready?" Shawn asked holding all of the towels.

"No not yet" I said leaning against the door.

"I'll save you loungers, we are going to chill for a bit then go into town before Camila's rehearsals" Shawn said and I smiled.

"We will meet you at the pool in 10" I said obviously lying because there was no chance Camila was getting up and ready in ten minutes.

Shawn smiled and I closed the door, I trudged over to Camila's bed and shook her awake.

"Hmmphhh" Camila groaned sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Get uo they're waiting at the pool" I said and Camila got up and slowly walked to the bathroom to get ready I was ready before she was and I sat waiting for her.

5minutes later Camila was ready she looked like death but at least she was ready. I grabbed our things and we went to get the others, they were in the same loungers as yesterday but there was more people with them, there was two more girls and three guys.

Camila put her sunglasses on as we walked over to them.

"Hey look who rose from the dead" Shawn joked putting his arm around Camila. The two had to pretend they were dating regardless of where they were.

"Hi I'm Gigi" the tall slim blonde said shaking Camila's hand and giving me a warm smile.

"I'm Camila and this is Lauren" Camila said introducing us.

"I'm Ashley" another blonde said with a smile.

"I'm brad" a brunette boy said.

"I'm Austin" another dark haired boy said.

"And I'm Luke" a blonde haired boy with a lip piercing said.

"Nice to meet you" Camila said lying down on the sun lounger  beside Shawn. Shawn put his arm over Camila and Camila cuddled into his side. They were best friends and everyone knew they couldn't become more. Soon enough Camila had fell back asleep and Shawn couldn't move but I never heard him complain.

After half an hour Camila woke back up and went to get a drink of water, she was feeling and looking rough. Gigi quickly jogged over to the bar before Camila could leave and started a conversation, Camila took her sunglasses off but she never looked into the conversation she looked like she was just trying to be polite. Camila and Gigi came back over and Shawn suggested they go into town now and we all agreed.

We walked to the town which wasn't that far away but in the heat it felt like days away, we went into all different shops and we sat in a outside restaurant getting food.

"Can I have water and the pizza please?" Camila asked politely still with her sunglasses on.

"I'll take the same" Normani and Ariana said.

The rest of us ordered our food and we were now just getting to know the 5 people we recently met.

"Tell me about you Camila" Austin said focusing all his attention onto Camila.

"Well I'm 18, I'm a singer my full name is Karla Camila Cabello Estrabo and I'm from Miami and I've never been to prom" Camila said and I noticed Ashley freak out.

"Your Camila Cabello OMG" Ashley screeched and Camila giggles.

"Tell me about you lauren" brad said leaning onto the table.

"I'm 19 I'm graduating high school I joined late so I'm the oldest in my year, from Miami and I love sports" I said and brad was smiling at me nodding his head.

We are our meal quickly as we had to get Camila to rehearsal, Camila said we could stay and watch if we wanted but we all only stayed for the air conditioning.

We watched Camila go through all of her songs complaining during most of it, she was hungover and too warm meanwhile we were perfect.

"Can I be done" Camila whined and the instructor let her finish early.

Camila flopped to the floor and lay there for ages until we had to pick her up and Shawn carried her back because she was exhausted.

We never went out that night we all slept and stayed in our rooms

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