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I walked into his room and it was a mess clothes everywhere and an untidy suitcase on the couch but no sign of Camila.

"What made you text me?" Brad asked leaning against the door which lead to what I assumed was the bathroom.

"Like I said I missed you" I replied trying to hide my feeling of sickness when I saw him walk closer to me. He put his hand on my hip and looked into my eyes.

"Liar" he whispered and walked away, "tell me the truth lauren" he said leaning against the same door.

"Someone threatened Camila and now she's gone and I assumed it was you" I said and Brad started laughing.

"Oh lauren Camila has many many enemies she's the worlds biggest pop star" Brad said but I was convinced it was him.

"Open the door" I said nodding to the only closed door, I watched as Brad tensed.

"Fine" he said and unlocked the door he swung it open and flicked the light on, I walked towards it and saw an empty closet, I saw Brad relax and let out a sigh of relief which was confusing.

"I'm gonna go" I said leaving his room I expected him to protest or something but he never.

I quickly jogged back to the others who looked hopeful but then realised I was alone and their faces dropped.

"Was she there?" Normani asked and I shook my head.

Normani was the closest to Camila they were like sisters and I knew this was probably hurting her the most. It was the fact we were all helpless we couldn't do anything we had no clues or anything we were useless.

Gigi came running towards us, her and Camila seemed to have a slight spark which I hated.

"I got a text" she said breathless showing us her phone.

Unknown: Looking in the wrong country take a guess. Camila loves this country if you guys really know her, what's her favourite place here? 01:23pm

"Camila loves the stalls in town especially the one where they sell all the little bracelets and rings and charms and stuff she gets one for Sofi every time she's here" Normani said grabbing her things.

We all ran to the car and sped to the town, Normani directed us to the stall, she pulled out her phone.

"Have you seen her?" She asked the man showing him a picture of Camila, the guy thought for a minute and checked his phone, he handed Normani a locket.

Normani opened it up and inside was a picture of what appeared to be an old crumbling building.

"The church, Camila's mother took her here, her mother and father got married here" Shawn said with a smile as if he was thinking of the day.

Shawn drove us to the church which was about a thirty minute drive, we all got out the car and walked to the entrance.

It was dark, we used the torches on our phones until we got into this room and lights automatically and suddenly switched on.

"CAMILA!" Dinah shouted. No response.

"CUBA!!" Shawn shouted and the lights turned off, we heard faint screeching noises and a bang followed with a muffled scream. We followed where the noises appeared to be coming from.

We walked into this dark room and the middle row of lights turned on revealing a bruised and bleeding Camila sitting on a chair, once the other lights turned on out walked Luke. Camila had rejected him when we first met him a few days back

"Well well well look who finally came..... to watch you die" he chucked. "Let's play a game, I like to call YOU or ME, Camila I'm going to tell you a story about each person here a bad story things they've said about you and you decide who you want to get hurt you or them" he said and Camila's eyes teared up.

We all looked at each other we had to save her because we all knew she would never tell him to hurt us regardless of the story.

We need to save Camila otherwise who knows what will happen to her for all we know the psycho Luke might try kill our precious Camila.

Luke began pacing around Camila, he smirked and looked up at Dinah.

"Dinah was horrible to you as you know but I don't think you actually know why. Dinah was jealous that Lauren Chris and Ariana were getting all your attention and she wanted it" Luke said and Camila visibly tensed up.

"Isn't that true Dinah?" Luke asked and Dinah had her eyes glued to the floor and slowly nodded her head.

" I've changed my mind get out" Luke said noticing no one was interacting.

"Not with your Camila" Chris said and Luke gritted his teeth and grabbed Camila and ran. We all chased after him but there were too many turns and we lost him and Camila.

"Fuck" Chris hissed kicking a crate and sitting down.

"Now what?" Ariana asked and we all looked at each other.

"We wait" Gigi said and the atmosphere became more tense.

Please be okay Camila.

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