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The party and started and it was just us, it was small but everyone was having so much fun, there was music and alcohol and the best people in the world were there. Camila and Shawn were dancing to the music along with Chris, Ariana and Kylie. The rest of us were singing and drinking our drinks, Camila was wrecked she was far too drunk but it never stopped her drinking.

"Laurennnnnn" Camila slurred stumbling into me, I quickly put my arm around her to stand her up.

"You okay Camz?" I asked and Camila giggled and hugged into my neck. I felt her nod as she hugged me tighter.

Camila never left my side the entire night except when she wanted more alcohol, by the time the night was over we all went back to mine and Camila's room, I carried Camila into the car and we all made our way to the room. Ariana suggested we play a drinking game and everyone was up for it.

"Truth or Dare Hailee?" Normani asked and Hailee grinned.

"Dare" she stated.

"I dare you to kiss the person you think is most attractive" Normani said winking at Camila who was swaying side to side.

Hailee made her way over and Camila grinned but Hailee saw my facial expression and just gave Camila a peck. Hailee winked at me and I returned a smile. Everyone knows how I feel about Camila I don't do well at hiding it.

During the game Ariana's phone chimed she grabbed it and her face went pale white.

"Ari what's wrong b?" Camila said sobering up a little. Ariana showed us her phone.

UNKOWN: Better keep your song bird under close eye, some birds have a short life expectancy. 01:23am

Camila gulped and stood up, she excused herself and went to the bathroom and I heard the tap turn on.

"Who could that be?" Shawn asked clenching his fists.

"Brad?" Normani suggests and Dinah nodded in agreement.

"I swear if it is I'm going to rip the English gimps head off" Chris spat.

The bathroom tap turned off and the door opened and Camila walked out.

"I'm quite tired I'm gonna go to sleep, Thankyou guys for coming and stuff" Camila said walking towards her bed.

Everyone agreed now was a good time to go to sleep so they gathered their things and left. I cleaned up a bit and went to see if Camila was okay.

"Hey Camz" I whispered and I got no response so I assumed she was asleep. I climbed into my own bed and drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by the sound of Camila groaning, I saw her kicking about clothes probably not sure on what to wear. I got out of bed and she smiled at me, threw on her top and sunglasses and said she'd see me at the pool.

There was a knock at the door.

"Yo good morning sunshine" Dinah chirped, "where's walz" she asked.

"At the pool" I said putting on my shoes and Dinah quickly grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the pool.

"Dinah what are you doing ?" I asked running to keep up with her.

"The text Ariana got last night she can't be alone" Dinah said and I mentally kicked myself because I forgot about that text.

Dinah and I were running down the halls not wanting to wait on the elevator, we reached the pool where we usually sit but there was no sign of Camila.

"Shit" Dinah hissed pulling out her phone and calling Normani.

"Normani Camila's gone meet at our usual loungers bring everyone" Dinah commanded and hung up the phone. Dinah started pacing and becoming impatient.

Normani and the others were jogging down the path and quickly reached us.

"What happened?" Hailee asked concerned.

"Well I woke up and Camila was already up and ready and said she was going to the pool but i forgot about the text Ariana got and then Dinah came and we ran here and she's gone" I said nervously playing with my fingers.

I can't believe I was such an idiot and forgot about the text like how could I have forgot. If anything happens I'd never forgive myself. We need to find her.

"Lauren you text Brad" Shawn stated. I pulled out my phone

"What should I say?" I asked and Shawn paused.

"Say you miss him and you realised Camila is no good and you wanna meet up" Ariana said and Shawn nodded in approval.

Lauren: Brad, I miss you, I realised your better than Camila she's not you and I want you, meet me?x              12:20pm

"Now we wait" Dinah said.

We didn't have to wait long a few minutes later my phone beeped.

Brad: I knew you would come around, meet me at my hotel room be quick babe x.                                                    12:23pm

"Lauren can you do this?" Dinah asked and without any hesitation I agreed and made my way up to his room with the others agreeing to wait at the pool.

I quickly ran to his room and I knocked on his door and almost instantly he opened it.

"I missed you green eyes" Brad said with a grin opening his door so I could come in.

Let the fun begin.

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