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Chris, Normani and I were all sat at the table, each and everyone of us were lost for words. In a way Dinah was right, Camila was kind of playing us all but no one objected to it. Any attention off of Camila was amazing at fair enough it is directed at Chris now he still seems to be happy, I get why Camila just wants to have fun because she leaves in three weeks and if she isn't attached to one person then she wont fall for them but more than one is a dangerous game to play and each and every single one of us want to play, she is here for another 16 days who knows what will happen.

"What do we do about Dinah?" Chris asked breaking me out of my thoughts about Camila and sending me into thoughts about Dinah.

"Let her cool of let her say what she wants, Camila is a forgiving person her and Dinah were really close a few days ago that cant just vanish in the space of 2 days, they will make up and if not then Camila leaves hating someone, she will write a kick ass album about it." Normani said, she pulled her phone out of her pocket after we all heard it beep. "Omg guys look at this" Normani said showing us her phone.

What is going on with our sweetheart Camila, maybe doing this school concerts was a bad idea she looks miserable ad exhausted. She was spotted walking downtown alone, one of the first sightings of Camila Cabello not cheery and bubbly. I hope our girl is okay and trust us Mila we would all get it if you need a break, we don't want you to be struggling girl.

Everyone has picked up that Camila is going through stuff, who knows maybe she will cancel the rest of her shows.

"I'll Call Ariana" Normani said standing up from the table and going through to the living room, leaving me with Chris who looked surprised.

"You okay?" I asked Chris breaking him out of his train of though. He just nodded his head and smiled before pulling out his phone.

Normani Came back in and sat back down.

"Ariana said she will come over but we should get Dinah and Camila to have a talk" Normani said telling us what Ariana suggested. It wasn't a bad idea but it was looking pretty impossible at the moment. "Lauren you phone Dinah and Chris you phone Mila"

Mila and Dinah agreed to come but we told Dinah to come earlier than Camila so we can have a chat with Dinah and see what is going on with her before world war 3 breaks out. 10 minutes later Dinah showed up.

"Why am I here?" Dinah asked and we gestured for her to sit at the table.

"We want to talk about what is going on" Chris stated angrily and Dinah sat down and nodded.

"Lets talk then" Dinah replied.

"Why are you acting like this D?" I asked and Normani sighed along with Dinah.

"I don't enjoy watching everyone I care about get played by a complete and utter stranger, and you all are so oblivious to it." Dinah said and I watched Chris clench his jaw and he started tapping on the table quietly.

"We all know its for fun she has established that" Chris spat and Dinah rolled her eyes.

Dinah was about to reply when the door went, I was praying it was Ariana and not Camila and to my luck it was Ariana, we all sat around the table waiting for Dinah to respond.

"Chris, you think its fun because all of the attention Camila has is on you but what happens when it's pictures of Ariana and Camila in magazines and on TV, it wont be so fun to be a part of then." Dinah said and Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Dinah you don't get it she is helping me get more scouts and paparazzi to my games etc. and we are having fun at the same time, Ariana might duet with her no one is losing anything here Ariana and I are gaining from Camila and Camila is having fun." Chris said and Dinah sighed and looked at me and then back at Chris. I knew what she was going to say but I never wanted her to say it.

"I get it you and Ariana are gaining something but what is Lauren gaining from this, she is barely getting any attention what is she gaining?" Dinah asked Chris and he looked over at me.

"Lauren doesn't even like Camila" Chris argued and Dinah giggled.

"That is where your wrong she has liked her since day one" Dinah said and Chris looked at me. 

And then the door went. Let the battle commence.

I got up and walked to the door, I opened it up to be greeted by a smile from Camila, I told her to come in but she never walked through to the kitchen she stopped and looked at me.

"Can I talk to you?, it's really important that you know" Camila said and I nodded my head, we went into my dad's study so the others couldn't hear us.

"What's wrong?" I asked leaning against his desk and Camila stood in front of me.

"I am sorry, I have been treating you guys bad, you in particular but I have a reason." Camila said and I nodded for her to continue "When I-"


"Lo hurry up" Normani shouted and Camila sighed and gave me a weak smile before walking out of the study and I followed closely behind, Camila followed Normani into the kitchen but stopped dead in her tracks when she realised Dinah was sitting there at the table.

"What's going on Laur?" Camila asked turning to face me.

"You guys need to talk it out" I said gently pushing Camila towards the table, I pulled out a chair for her and she reluctantly sat down.

"I have nothing to say" Dinah spat and Camila rolled her eyes.

"That's a first" she shot back, which made Dinah perk up in her chair.

"Don't get mouthy Cabello" Dinah spat and Camila leaned forwards and stood up.

"or what Hansen" she challenged and Dinah stood up.

Dinah walked round so she was  in front of Camila and slapped her.

"You bitch!" Camila hissed before yanking Dinah's hair, causing Dinah to yelp. Dinah kicked Camila in the side and she fell to the floor.

"ouch" Camila cried gripping her side in pain. Dinah hovered over her guilt was written all over her face.

"Omg Camila I am so sorry" Dinah panicked crouching beside her and Camila nodded and forced a smile.

"Camila" Ariana cried and rushed over followed by Chris.

"I-I-m O-okay" Camila struggled, holding Ariana's arm to help herself sit up, she winced in pain and Ariana put her arm around Camila's waist to support her and Camila leaned her weight on Ariana.

"You need to see a doctor" I said and everyone agreed and Camila just nodded, I grabbed my keys, gently picked Camila up and Ariana and Normani came with me, I slid Camila into the passengers seat and she winced in pain.

"L-lo a-are we nearly there?" Camila asked, she looked so uncomfortable gripping onto her waist, we were all so concerned about her side no one noticed the bruise forming under her eye and down her cheek.

"Yeah Camz the car park is just up ahead" I said speeding the car up, I swerved into a space and jogged around to Camila's door and opened it, carefully picked her up and asked Normani to get my keys and lock the car, I quickly walked inside and saw a few doctors at reception, I quickly walked over to them.

"Can we get help please?" I asked interrupting their conversation and one doctor in particular didn't look happy, Dr Martino.

"The waiting room is over there" He snapped pointing in the direction of the waiting room.

"I don't think Camila Cabello's management and lawyers will be happy about that, she has a show in two days" I snapped and another doctor quickly jogged from behind the desk to me.

"I am Doctor Brooke how can I help you?" the small female doctor with short dirty blond hair asked with a cheery smile.

"I came in from getting our dinner and I found her on the couch wriggling about clutching her side" I explained making up some story.

"Okay, can she walk?" Dr Brooke asked noticing Camila gripping onto me tightly and nuzzling her head into my neck.

" I don't know but is there a room she can lie down in?" I asked and Dr Brooke nodded and directed me to a room and told me she would be a few minutes then she would see Camila.

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