I didn't say anything, but my confused expression was already an answer.

     "Romeo, that man...he's the next heir to the Dark Saints", my uncle revealed, my heart almost stopping because of the information that I just heard.


     "He's not just a member, he's the son of the sinful. Those men that you're referring to, they're not here to kill him, they're here to take him", my uncle says, making me confused even more.

     "No, his brother is here. He came here and almost tortured him, why on earth would he do that to his own brother if he knew that-"

     Uncle quickly cuts me off and said, "The Dragon? He knew that his brother was alive?"

     Alright. Nothing fucking makes sense here.

     "Enough with this unanswered questions. Tell me everything you know about him and this gang", I say as I sat down on my seat.

     My uncle looks at me. I thought he was going to answer but instead, "And why would I do that?" my uncle dared ask me.

     I slammed my hand on the table and said, "Because you already started running your mouth, no point stopping now."

     My uncle angrily looked at me because of my rude comment, but he sighs and nods his head anyways.

     "Alright, I'll remember everything I know about them for your sake. So you'd know how dangerous the Dark Saints are", uncle Antonio finally says.

     Uncle looked like he was arranging his thoughts. When he was ready, he started explaining, "The Sinful is the head of the gang. He has four children, two girls, and two boys; all in which are from three different women. His first child from his original wife is Hana Choi. She was a girl so she couldn't be the heir since a gang can only be ruled by a man. Next is from his first mistress, a son, Kim Jiyong. He is not from the original wife so he is not the heir. His third child is another girl from another mistress, Park Minji, a girl, and not from the original wife, so she's also not the heir. The sinful did not have a boy from the original wife, so he was about to declare that his heir would be Kim Jiyong. But before he could make it official, they found out that his original wife was finally pregnant with a boy, and that boy is Julien Choi. Julien was trained to be the next heir, but, there was news in the underworld that his own father suddenly killed him because of something that boy did that no one knew about. We were sure that Jiyong would be the heir again, but no news was ever announced. And now we know why."

     "It's because Julien is actually still alive", I added. Now understanding the whole situation.

     Julien, why would you hide something like this from me?

     "Then that only means his brother really is here to kill him. So he could redeem the position of heir", I say, and uncle nodded his head as an agreement, "That might be true. But knowing the Black Angel, there will also be men who are loyal to him and not loyal to Kim Jiyong. So there will be another group of men who would want to take him back instead."

     "Aright, but Julien ran away. He doesn't want to be part of the gang anymore. That Jiyong guy can just take it", I explained, then a man sitting near me surprisingly answered, "They're not fighting for the position of heir anymore. The sinful...he died two weeks ago. They're now fighting for the position of head of the gang, and Kim cannot take the position until the son from the original wife is still alive."

     Two weeks ago?

     During those days Julien was raped.

    "If people thought Julien was killed, then why does his brother know he's alive? And why on earth did he find out he was here?" I asked, and no one answered me. Obviously they didn't know the answer either.

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