- Present Time -

I open the glass door to the station and see Angela's angelic face greet me.

"Morning Jack." She says as I hand her my ID. "Do you happen to know if Hana went home or not? She's usually quite early."

Hana hasn't arrived yet? That's unlike her.

Overhearing Angela, Genji walks over with a bottle of water and hands over his ID. He eyes me briefly before looking at Angela.

"She spent the night I bet." Genji says. I raise an eyebrow.

"She what?" Angela looks away from the screen slightly worried. "I hope she's not afraid to go home...if so, she's probably mentally scarred." Angela hands our ID's back and I quickly walk over to the elevator.

That's right, Hana never text or called me last night. I was too happy with my confession to Angela that I didn't text Hana to see if she made it home safely or not.

Genji silently follows behind me as the two of us enter the elevator.

"You look...different today." Genji says cocking his head to the side as he sips his water. I eye his water bottle with scrunch brows.

"And you're different today too. Why aren't you drinking your daily Americano?"

Genji eyes his water bottle and swirls the water around.

"Guess we're both a bit out of character today, aren't we?" His voice blank as the 'ding' of the elevator echoes. 

The cadets greet the two of us with more volume compared to yesterday. I scan the room unable to find Hana. I try to not worry as Genji eyes me from the corner of his eye. He rests a hand on my shoulder and walks me over to the white board.

The two of us go over today's assignments before walking over to my office. Genji peaks his head into my office as the two of us enter. No trace of Hana is found as we look around.

"Huh..." Genji whispers beside me. He looks over at the sofa.

"You saw her last night didn't you?" I ask him, feeling a hunch.

Genji raises his eyebrows and looks at me. "What makes you think that?"

"Because you looked straight over there instead of the chairs in front of my desk."

Genji raises his hands up playfully, "Caught me. Her and I kind of butt heads a bit last night."

A curious expression grows on my face as Genji rolls his eyes. "She just wouldn't tell me what's wrong with her and I told her I wasn't you."

"So you tried to force it out of her and she said something smart?" I comment. Genji rolls his eyes annoyed.

"I wonder what made her become sassier." Genji grumbles as I place my briefcase down on the chair.

"So that's why you're acting a little weird today." I say to him. Genji pulls the chair out and sits down in front of my desk.

"Now tell me why you're acting weird." Genji says with a devilish smirk. I shake my head as I look out of the window at the rest of the cadets.

"I did something manly." I say sheepishly. Genji leans in with his hands folded.

"And what is this manly thing? You finally shaved down below?" Genji jokes as I roll my eyes at him, a chuckle escaping my lips.

"I confessed to Angela last night." I answer. Genji's goofy expression quickly turns into a serious one.

"You what?" He says as I look at him slightly nervous.

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