Chapter 3-Sorry, We Have a Problem.

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I am a bit mad. Somewhere in between, raging anger and burning madness. I don't like people doing things before I'm ready. Especially when they are playing with my life. Ugh! I'm going to bottle up my rage for now. Maybe I'll kill something. Or do what humans do and flip a table or kick a wall. I have supernatural strength so the results are actually satisfying.

The Winchester Cam is rather boring. Sam and Dean are at Bobby's. At the moment they are arguing about the existence of angels. Sam is all for it, he thinks we are all fluffy white winged babies. What a quant thought. Dean thinks it was more likely that King Kong pulled him out. Also a quant idea. I'm bored, but Cas went back up to heaven and it's kinda hard to get up there. Now that Deans back, I'm not taking the risk. 'Oh look!' Bobby has found something, saying that angels are the only likely reason Dean is back on earth. Thank you Bobby! But the boys are still bickering. It's so annoying when they do that. Like constant whining Liliths. I think I'll go chop her head off for kicks. Wait, that's breaking a seal. You will understand later what the seals are. Don't wanna spoil anything.

Well, now we are going to see one of Bobby's friends, Olivia Holt. She hasn't been answering her phone, Bobby's worried about her. So I go take a nap in the back seat of the Impala. When we get to Olivia's, I can sense something is wrong. Probably because there is a ripped open Olivia Holt lying in the living room. Ok, a few injuries, close calls and ghosts on steroids later, we, Bobby, has discovered that it is "The Rising of the Witness", a sign of the Apocalypse. Basically anybody you couldn't save comes back to tear you to shreds. Appealing, huh? Luckily, Bobby found a spell to send them back. And he has everything he needs here. Ok well time for some poor people to die, again.

Well, that went well. Unfortunately I was in Egypt the entire time. Then I traveled to France, they have supreme baked goods. While I was stocking up on chocolates, guess who payed a visit? My adoring big brother Castiel. I glared at him for a while, as he talked about stuff. I didn't really take in his words, until I was satisfied with my glaring. "What? Sorry Cas, I was too busy imagining me barbecuing your head to care about what you just said." I said interrupting him in mid sentence. He glared at me the same way I'd looked at him. Then he said, "We are going to talk to Dean." Yeah I bet we are.

When we got to Bobby's, Cas asks what the boys have been doing. I focus on Winchester Live and put two fingers on Cas's forehead. Then I mentally shove the feed through the link. Cas watches in silence. Then he opens his eyes and does the angelic whoosh thing. Dean wakes up and sees us. He gets up and walks over to us. Cas starts off with, "Excellent job with the Witnesses."

"You were hip to all this?" Dean asks.

"Saw the whole thing." I said pointing to my head. Dean looks confused. "Who the hell are you?" He asks me. "Yes Cas, who am I?" I ask, stressing the Cas.

"Dean, this is Zipporiah, the last angel god created."

"Call me Zip." I say smiling and extending my hand. Dean stares down at it like I'm handing him an octopus. I wasn't expecting him to take it anyway.

"Well thanks for all the help." He said sarcastically. "I almost got my heart ripped out of my chest."

"But you didn't." Cas said.

"I thought angels were supposed to be guardians. Fluffy wings, halos- you know Michael Landon. Not dicks."

"I am a guardian." I say. Both Cas and Dean look at me. I smile, "A badass one." Dean looks about to say something, when Cas speaks up.

"Read the bible." Cas says. "Angels are warriors of God. I'm a solider."

"Yeah, well then why didn't you fight?"

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