Chapter 2-I'm an Excellent Stalker

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This is still kinda a filler. But we are gonna get to the story eventually, so don't give up hope.

It was probably the first time Sam had a near death experience that started my intervening. I wasn't a normal angel, we have established that. But I was raised by people whose only care was their duty. For a while I wondered if that was wrong, but I soon wanted to be more like them. If they saw someone die or something, they would let that person die, unless it was their duty to keep them safe. Yes now I am completely disgusted with myself. I think some of them may have cared but then they were brainwashed or something gross like that. Anyway, the first time one of the Winchesters almost died. Sammy was only 5. He still didn't know about what his father did, how his mother really died, and never appreciated his brother. Dean was one of the most caring brothers I have ever seen. If Sam didn't like what they were having for dinner Dean would make something different or give up his. Dean also knew what was actually out there. He would always make sure that his brother was safe. This night was an exception. John and Dean had gone out to hunt a werewolf. They had left Sam in the motel room alone. John figured that because it hadn't picked up Sammy's scent that he would be fine. Little Sam was sleeping and he knew what to do when he woke up, call his father immediately. I had decided to stay and watch Sam. He was sleeping rather peacefully, and soundly. He didn't stir when the werewolf opened the window and crawled into the room. I guess that children's hearts are exceptionally good because even though it had no bone to pick with Sam, figuratively speaking, he lunged toward the sleeping child anyway.

I had saved people before, but I'd never gone against heaven's orders. Completely. But letting Sam die seemed harsh as I could easily save him and he didn't have to die. Plus my entire caring personality was screaming, "SAVE THE CHILD! DEAD CHILD!" I whipped out Ack, who at the moment was a baseball (he's kinda got a mind of his own.. Although most of time stays in his original form, an Archangel's blade. They are the easiest to carry. Yes, Ack, Mighty Weapon of All, and yes a baseball bat.) and cracked it over the werewolf's head. He was knocked unconscious immediately. Unfortunately the crack woke up Sammy, who shot up wide-eyed. I just had time to grab werewolf and disappear before he saw us. He called John and Dean, who showed up within 8 minutes. John saw the open window as soon as they walked in the door, so he made Dean stay with Sam and he went it hunt the thing. He found it gutted inside an empty dumpster, near the house it had lived in. He researched why, and who, might had done it but never found a trace. Nearest he fingered some other hunter had killed it. He left town with the boys that night.

I saved their asses more times than I can remember after that. They never saw me, if they did they wouldn't remember. I think I was their waitress once.

I began to be able to have a live Winchester broadcast in my head. Subconsciously I knew where they were, what they were doing and who they were with. I had three until John died. I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop that. I showed myself and talked with him for a while, he knew as well as I he would die as soon as he signed the contract. I told him I would do my best to keep the boys safe. And I have.

I kept the Winchester channel streaming constantly after that. Hardly slept. I'm an angel I don't need to sleep, right? Well sleep makes everyone a nicer person. I was still a nicer angel with 3 hours of sleep a week. I visited the boys too. I was with them the night Dean wanted pie, I walked in with Sammy. Watched him get kidnapped, was incredibly angry I didn't see that coming, teleported back to Impala, and waited for Dean to realized Sam was missing. I hated the year after that, I basically just moped in the back seat of the Impala. When Dean died, I returned to heaven for the first time in forever. Our conversation went kinda like this;

Me: C'mon please! Why can't we just pull him out all ready! I mean this can't be his destiny!

Angelic Asshats: It is the Devine Word of God that we must wait. Besides the siege on hell is not working in our favor yet.

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