CHPT12: Wonderland

Start from the beginning

"Avatar!" A white lotus guard came running to us. "Avatar, the new air bender and his friends have just entered the city! We have detained them, but we could not find Valdez any where. What should we do with them?"

"Bring us to them," Korra growled.

The guard nodded. We were brought to the police station where they were being held. Festus in suitcase form squealed around the cell bars on his tiny wheels. The seven behind the bars sat in relaxed positions, seemingly unconcerned about their current circumstance.

"Korra," Jason stood coming to the bars nodding slightly at our arrival. "Is Leo with you."

"No, " She snapped. "And we aren't going to bring him anywhere near you. Why are you here?"

"To make amends," Piper also approached the bars. "Our choices were misguided and chosen by fear not reason. We realize this was wrong of us, please let us see Leo."

Her voice was so enticing, but I remembered what Leo had said about her ability. She could convince you to do what she wanted with a smile and some pretty words. I won't be swayed so easy. We need proof they won't harm Leo before we let them see him. Once we find him that is.

"Swear to me on the river Styx that you will not harm Leo or Gaia in him and we'll let you out," I said sternly. This was not up for debate.

"How did-" Percy stopped himself. "How much did Leo tell you?"

"Everything," Woo said firmly.

"And you believed him?" Annabeth asked skeptically.

"It's not that crazy," Bolin shrugged. "I've heard weirder."

"When?" Frank asked incredulously.

"Uh...I- well,I don't really remember," Bolin said sheepishly. "But honestly when you follow Korra around enough, nothing seems too crazy."

"Hey!" Korra complained.

"If we do swear not to hurt Leo will you let us see him?" Jason pressed.

"Naturally," I nod. "But only if he wants to see you."

"Naturally," Jason agreed with a nod.

"We swear on the river Styx,"They said in unison. "We will not harm Leo Valdez or Gaia inside him."

Thunder roared above the police station and we turned about in surprise. It had been a beautiful day when we came in here!

"Wow," Percy said sarcastically. "That was dramatic. Jason, your dad is going overboard."

"Well at least we know the oath works here too," Piper said with a nervous laugh.

"Alright," Korra took the keys from a guard and opened the cell. "Now you can help us find Leo."

"You lost him!" Piper asked in alarm.

"Mako is with him," Bolin explained.

"They wandered off a while ago when Leo got mad at Riko," Woo sighed.

"He's been taking flack for you guys since Ba Sing Se," I added with venom.

"I see," Jason looked sad. "We're here to fix that, I hope."

We wandered around the city for ages until Korra talked with a spirit who said they'd seen Leo and Mako go through the spirit portal. We immediately headed there. At the portal Korra talked to another spirit who told us that Mako and Leo had not exited the spirit world yet. Without a second thought we followed them through.

Hazel's POV:

It was like walking through the looking glass, entering the spirit world. It wasn't like Hades at all here. It was nice, fresh, and everything beautiful I could imagine. Not even Lewis Carroll could put enough words to paper to describe this place. Odd creatures flew about and lounged in trees. Yet you could still tell this was a dangerous place, not for the weak of mind and heart.

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