Chapter 20

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Two days passed, and I haven't seen Tristan.  Julian had been keeping me company for the most part, and Olivia stayed with me if Julian needed to be somewhere else. The Queen wanted him or Tristan with me at all times, but since Tristan won't come near me, Julian took on both shifts. Because the King is holding a meeting about official, royal business today, I had to be babysat by someone else. Just as Julian was leaving to meet with the Vampire King, Celine stepped in, and she didn't look too happy about it.

I couldn't help but wince as she shot daggers at me.

"I'll be back. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone," Julian said, half jokingly.  "Seriously though, Celine."

"I don't make promises I can't keep." Celine rolled her eyes as she bumped Julian out of the way and plopped onto the couch.

He let out a small chuckle before he left me with the devil herself. Her eyes burned into me as I made my way across the room to my bed and sat down. I went to open my mouth to break the awkward silence, but Celine cut me off.

"Don't think that just because I'm here, we are friends. I'm only here because my mom made me. You're nothing but food to me."


"I don't know what I did to make you hate me so much, but I'm sorry..." I apologized in a small voice. I couldn't bring my eyes to look in her direction.

Celine suddenly appeared in front of me.  "I don't need your apology!  I need you to leave here and stay out of my brother's bed!  Your presence is like a slap in the face to Eretria's memory!" She seethed, fury dripping from her words like venom.

I could feel her anger radiating off of her in waves, unconsciously causing me to sink back into the bed.

"It wasn't like that. I only slept there because Tristan wanted to make sure Collin stayed away from me.  I don't mean any disrespect.  I would never..."

Her eyes turned black, and she looked even more heated if that was possible.  "Oh, but you do, or you wouldn't be degrading my best friend's memory!"

"Eretria was your best friend?  I didn't know that," I spoke softly. "I would never do that. I—She seemed like a good person."

"Don't say her name!" Celine screamed at me. "How would you even know?  You know what?  I don't care. You might be fooling my brother and Julian, but you don't fool me. Just do us all a favor and leave."  She returned to the couch in an instant.

My hands shook as I tried to remain calm. I wasn't sure what to say or do. Celine wasn't just a person; she was a vampire who could easily kill me like Julian killed Nathan at the lake. I know she was hurting like I hurt for my family, but there was no reasoning with her.  She was blind from her rage.

I contemplated what to say, but words failed me. The more I thought about it, I began to feel annoyed with Celine.

She doesn't know me, so why does she hate me so much?  Eretria died a long time ago, so is Tristan just not going to find love again?  Not that it would be with me...

I'm not sure if it was Celine's judgement towards me, or the pressure from everything that's happened the last couple weeks, but I finally snapped.

"Can you just listen?  I know you miss your best friend, but Tristan does too!  I didn't sleep in your brother's room to hurt you or defile Eretria's memory. If Tristan was fine with it, then you should be too," I scolded her like she was a toddler and not a deadly creature.  Her eyes widened in shock. "You don't know me, so you have no right to hate me. You are angry that she died.  I get it.  Well, I'm angry my family died, and I was forced to endure horrible things at a mental institution! You don't see me acting out at people!  Despite how you have been treating me, I don't hate you Celine, but I guess that's the difference between me and you. I may be human, but I am definitely the better person."

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