Chapter 12

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I spent the rest of the week in my room, thinking and preparing for the ball I was supposed to attend. Olivia took my measurements for the dress, taking up most of my time.  Afterwards, my feet were killing me and my legs felt like they would fall off any minute. I thought it would be fun, not painful. It was nice having Olivia for company though. I asked her some questions about vampires after I realized I didn't know that much about them. She wouldn't tell me a lot because it "wasn't her place", but she did tell me that her special ability is being able to control fire. Much to my dismay, she wouldn't show me.  She was a very cryptic person.

Thoughts of Tristan danced around my head during the dress-fitting process. I dreamt of him every day. He was so irritating, but I couldn't help but still feel a pull towards him.


I couldn't dwell on the question much because it was the day of the ball, and Olivia had been in my room since I woke up. I'm not sure why hair and make-up should take more than an hour, but I learned not to question her. She was busy pinning curls and braids up on my head when I decided to ask her some more questions.


"Hmm?" She responded with a bobby pin between her scarlet lips.

"What happens when a vampire feeds a human their blood?" I asked rather quietly, hoping she would give me an answer to this one.

Olivia stopped what she was doing behind me and looked at my face through the vanity mirror. "Blood sharing? Why do you want to know about that?"

"Uh... I overheard someone talking about it." I lied.

"Mhmm."  She raised her eyebrows at me, not convinced. "Well, it's not common because of the effects it has on both parties involved, and we aren't exactly 'out' to humans yet."

"Like what?"

Olivia continued on my hair.  "Like the vampire being able to feel the human's emotions and know where the human is. Sometimes it affects both parties dreams. For the human, it can create an attraction to the vampire who gave the blood."

"Oh... Wow."  My eyes widened in realization that my recent dreams and feelings about Tristan was a side effect from his blood. That explained a lot.

"Yeah, that's why it's not done that often, especially here. As you can see, there's not many humans around to heal, plus no one is into having that bond with just any human.  Vampires think themselves as a superior species,"  Olivia explained as she pinned up a braid.

That's why I've been dreaming about Tristan.

"How long does the blood usually last in the human's system?" I asked while trying not to make myself look obvious.

My last question made her stop and give me an accusing glance.  "Asking for a friend?" She could see right through me.

I gave her an awkward laugh.  "No! I was just...curious since we are on the subject."

"Mhmm. Okay." A playful smile appeared. "About a week or so. It doesn't last too long."

"Oh, okay..." Her eyes were still trained on me.

"Okay, then..." She clapped her hands and spun me around. "Time for make-up. Try not to move too much."

It took almost an hour and a half for her to finish my make-up. I've never worn it, but I never thought it took so long to basically paint someone's face. When she turned me around to face myself in the mirror, I gasped at my appearance. My eyes were lined with black, along with glittery pink covering my eyelids and under my eyes. I put my hand to my red lips in awe.

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